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hey, really big issue...


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lol, big topic description, but right words, my game wont continue, for example, we've all done the Dark Brotherhood quest line, when i'm at applewatch, when i click to see the night mother, instead of going straight to bravil, i just stand there. Thats it.


or in the Moriarcis mod, when i'm supposed to go to that oblivion place, the dude walks up to me, and we just stand there.


Can someone please tell me a cause and a fix?!


this is really halting my game...

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lol, big topic description, but right words, my game wont continue, for example, we've all done the Dark Brotherhood quest line, when i'm at applewatch, when i click to see the night mother, instead of going straight to bravil, i just stand there. Thats it.


or in the Moriarcis mod, when i'm supposed to go to that oblivion place, the dude walks up to me, and we just stand there.


Can someone please tell me a cause and a fix?!


this is really halting my game...


Are you using FCOMhelper to set your load order?


Sounds like another mod is messing up some of the main quest lines.


You can also try moving ALL of the official DLC mods to the end of your load order.


Good luck. :thumbsup:

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Try rolling back to the previous load order you know that worked and try playing with it. If it solves it, it means either a new mod you've added or a change in the load order you've made is causing a problem. Now assuming you've left your load order untouched, but you've added tons of mods after your last 'safe' load order, try deactivating all the newer mods to test if it works, if it does, that means one of the newer mods is conflicting with your older ones or a mod is faulty. If it doesn't help and the game is still messed up after de-activating all your mods in the list, refer to step <(3)> in the options explained below.


Three options;


<(1)>Mod conflict.


One of your newly added mods is conflicting with your older mods that as a symptom causes the targeted conversation triggers to not activate.


------>Deactivate all your new mods and start activating them one at a time, if the problem disappears and none of them causes a problem alone, most likely the new mods are conflicting with themselves, so start just adding them on top of eachother until the conflict is shown. Once done, keep the mod that causes the conflict added and deactivate the working new ones you tested before it one-by-one to see what mods exactly are conflicting. Once you're done with this play with the load order to see if it can be fixed with it. If changing load order doesn't work, it means the conflict is a massive one and you'll have to choose one of the mods and leave the other one alone.


If the conflict is with your older mods, you could try shoving the problem causing mod at the very top or the very bottom of the load list to see if it resolves the issue. I don't know how large your active mod list is, depending on it's size, you could start looking for the culprit by adding the new mod to the bottom of the list and moving it up step-by-step and testing the game all the way through until you find the conflict, if the mod list is a large one, the actual problem could even be with several mods and reconfiguring your entire mod list might actually be necessary. First step should be to think if you have any mods that edit anything similar with the new mod and to see if they're conflicting. Once those are ruled out and if the mod still doesn't work, refer to step two.


If the problem persists even after deactivating all the new mods and rolling back to your last known 'safe' mod load order doesn't help, refer to step three.


<(2)>Faulty mod.


------>Deactivate all new mods and test the game, then start adding them one-by-one until you find the culprit. If the mod causes problems even after the steps mentioned in case <(1)>, it means the mod is faulty/conflicting with several big mods/glitched/bugged. In this case the mod is editing the conversation triggers for some god forsaken reason(Excuse the swearing if you will.) which means the author played around with CS without knowing what exactly he was editing and intentionally, or unintentionally messes up the games of those who use it(Could be game version issues and any of the million other reasons, no use in getting into a deep discussion until culprit is known.), first step should be to simply report the glitch to the author and wait for a response. If there is no response, it means there is no support for the mod. This problem is easier to discuss once the actual culprit is found and then solving it shouldn't be such a big mess, especially if the mod works fine for many others.


<(3)>Corrupt save/Corrupt game.


------>If the two options mentioned above fail, these two are the only options;

1. Your save game is f'ed up, either by a mod causing an error and the save gets 'infected', to test this create a completely new save game without any mods at all active. If the game works normally it most likely means one of your mods caused the save file getting infected and that you won't be able to progress with it any further, there might be some program to 'clean it up', but I haven't personally crossed it yet. This means it could be a indirect result of any of the mods you've used so far and the only option is to do step <(1)> with every single mod you have installed. If the new save doesn't work either with a clean slate, your only option is the one mentioned below.


2. Your entire game is bugged and you need a reinstall. This is the last possibility, I advice you to take backups of all the mods that may not be available anymore, and of all the mods you definetly know aren't the root of the problem. Once you're done backing up, it's time to get on with the reinstall. Be sure to delete and clean the entire directory where you had oblivion installed.(If wanting to be absolutely sure, you could even use a program like 'restoration' to delete all the registry files of oblivion ever even being on your computer, total uninstallation. There are several other good programs out there also.) Once done with all of this, time to install the game again, play without mods, if it works fine, start adding your mods back in again.




P.S. I might've missed something and I'll check back to this when I get home in about an hour or so, I've got to buzz now tho, my lift is waiting outside.


edit; Got home early, shopping was already done, which I didn't really anticipate, so I'm here now. Just fixed a typo and will edit this soon a bit more if I see mistakes/typos or I think of something else that could be tried. Anyone should feel free to add if I forgot something.

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