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Leona's shield from League of Legends


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I'm surprised that with the release of Dawnguard that this hasn't been attempted yet. As such, I'm making it an official request.


What I'd like to see is someone make a custom standalone shield that looks like the shield used by Leona, the Radiant Dawn, from League of Legends, enchanted with the same effect as Auriel's Shield. It'd be an awesome shield mod, especially since there aren't very many shield mods to begin with.


Here is an image to help you understand what it looks like.



Also, if you need to look at her 3-D in-game model, check this page out: http://www.lolking.net/models/?champion=89&skin=0 (Sorry if the movements make it difficult.)


Shouldn't be too hard to pull off, right? Make it either Heavy or Light armor, I don't care which. But I want to be able to truly play as a Solari Paladin in my next Skyrim playthrough.

Edited by darkdill
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I don't LoL but that's a nice shield. It won't be allowed though due to copy rights. and the picture, I think is a fan art.

Although... that would be a good model to practice the spline modeling hmmmm

Problem is that is hard to tell what's on the back




Credits to:

LoL and the creator of that image






Edited by alex3271
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Copyrights? Whaaat? Since when is that a problem for mods? No one's gonna make a profit off making something like this. And I doubt very much that Riot would sue.


Besides, there's already a mod that gives players access to the armor worn by Fiora, a character from the same game: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13983


And the picture I used was meant to be Leona's splash art until it got changed up at the last minute (her hair was altered). The shield is what I'm interested in, though.

Edited by darkdill
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