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Animation Help


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Hi everyone, i'm triying to set a final group of animation mods and i was wondering if there's a solution to my dilemma


Here's what iw'd like to have:


Natural natural walk for everyone including normal idle stance

Personality Idles 4 for the secondary idle stance which appears after a few seconds

Stylish anims for everything else


The thing is i really liked the idle from "Pretty Woman" mod and i wanted to add it as an option for selecting secondary idles in my "Personality Idles" version (its too feminine to have as a basic one, all the males in game look like girls) BUT... the pretty woman's one is a basic idle (Idle.kf) and the secondary idles seem to work in other way (p_something.kf), cause just changing file names doesnt work, i mean, the animation changes in game but filled with bugs such as the fact that when the idle gets selected, my character moves and then it keeps running even when im not moving it, i guess it get's stucked on the previous animation...


I thought its because one is a secondary idle and the one im trying to use is primary and maybe its linked with "walkturnright" and "walkturnleft".kf (just a wild guess) so anybody can provide some info on this? maybe a solution or a useful tutorial that may help me to get this working please?

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