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WTF!!! is wrong with this game!


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I have read that many other people are having this same problem as me, i become a vampire thanks for lord hardon or whatever his name is! then i have to find a guy in the castle to do my first mission, thing is im no longer a vampire and people are telling me to go to lord harkon to get my power back, which is bulls*** because you cant do such a thing.


I know bethesda are known for f***ing up their games but this takes the piss!!, when we pay money for somnething we expect it to work and not to f*** up on us!


Has anyone else had this problem?

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this seemed to have fixed it but for how long!


Nord type player.setrace nordracevampire

Breton type - player.setrace bretonracevampire


others type after player.setrace








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Dawnguard is perhaps the buggiest DLC that Bethesda has ever released. Usually all the reviewers just go wild with enthusiasm over a new video game or expansion, but when I was reading reviews, half of the journalists gave good reviews and half gave bad reviews. I think a 50% approval rating is pretty low for a video game.
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lol umm actually you could get the mod that allows you to speak and activate stuff as a vampire lord. I understand your problem, while in the castle everyone just shoos me off unless I turn into a lord, and with this mod I had no problems communicating with them.http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21631#
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I put in a support ticket, and even Bethesda acknowledged that Dawnguard and the Vamp Lord bit in particular are buggy. Someone in another thread said it isn't that buddy. It jolly well is.
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