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Favorite console commands?


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There are a couple console commands I don't like playing without.


The first is SET TIMESCALE TO - I hate how fast day and night passes with the standard setting. I set it to 12; I'd like it even slower but that can cause some quests to have problems.

The second is FOV - this adjuts the first person viewing angle. I find the vanilla setting unnaturally restrictive; setting it to 70 feels more natural. Play around with it, I suspect the setting that's most comfortable will depend on the size of you screen and what res your running the game at.

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The same. Changing timescale is a must, and I usually have it on 6. I also set my FOV to 100, which is kind of a standard for me in most games, otherwise everything just feels so flat and close.


Other than that I just use TFC for taking screenshots from certain angles, and of course setstage whenever a quest get messed up :P

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The same. Changing timescale is a must, and I usually have it on 6. I also set my FOV to 100, which is kind of a standard for me in most games, otherwise everything just feels so flat and close.


Other than that I just use TFC for taking screenshots from certain angles, and of course setstage whenever a quest get messed up :P



I've read in several places that setting timescale to 10 or less will mess up quests where you have to meet someone at a new location. You don't have this problem with it set at 6?

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The same. Changing timescale is a must, and I usually have it on 6. I also set my FOV to 100, which is kind of a standard for me in most games, otherwise everything just feels so flat and close.


Other than that I just use TFC for taking screenshots from certain angles, and of course setstage whenever a quest get messed up :P



I've read in several places that setting timescale to 10 or less will mess up quests where you have to meet someone at a new location. You don't have this problem with it set at 6?


Yeah, people were worried about that before because it had messed things up in some previous Bethesda titles, but from what I've read so far I've heard nothing about anyone having any problems with this setting in Skyrim. I've been using it for hundreds of gaming-hours myself now and haven't encountered any related problems at all :) I dont dare to go lower though, even if people say it's working well. 6 is perfect for me anyways.

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I'll use TGM for god mode if im in the mood.

player.additem 000000f 1000000 gives you 1,000,000 gold but you can obviously set it to how ever much 1,000,000 is obviously a lot of gold.

click someone to get their id then type resurrect to bring them back to life. i use this on cultists and things like that.

click the door or chest or whatever is locked and type unlock i use that if i cant be bothered with the whole mini game thing.

coc qasmoke to go to the testing room which has every ingame item i use this to get all the spells, itdoesnt include shouts though. and dont get the enchanted items as this can crash the game. then use coc riverwood to get out.

player.modav ccarryweight then amount to sewt how much you wasnt tto be able to carry. soomething like player.modav carryweight 1000000 gives you pretty much unlimited storage.

player.placeatme 1068FE 1 will spawn a single bandit at your location i normally do 5-10 for a decent fight otherwise i use

player.placeatme 46794 5 will spawn a group of 5 Imperial soldiers and either Stormcloak Soldier (2-Handed): 467BB

or Stormcloak Soldier (1-Hand & shield): 45BE5 and have thesame as the imperial to have a decent fight to watch.

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*click* showinventory

removeitem (Clothes ID) 1


Nekkid people everywhere!


Seriously though, i use the console for 2 reasons. To fix quests (in which case it's usualy a setstage command) and when i'm on top of a mountain/cliff/tower and am too lazy to walk all the way back down (in which case, its TGM)

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To help jump-start NPCs whose AIs have stalled out, click on them to get their refID on your screen. Then walk a short distance away and enter "moveto player". I got so irritated with this issue that I created a package of batch files that do this. Each one looks like this:


prid <refID>

moveto player


I name them "Get<NPC Name>.txt" and then simply call them from the console with "bat get<NPC Name>". Sometimes you have to issue the command twice for some reason, and make sure the refID on your screen is cleared before you do this because the game will sometimes use the refID that was there, rather than the one your batch file puts there. This can have unexpected results, especially if you're using the console to unlock doors and that sort of thing. It's still a good idea to save your game before doing this. Just saying.


Be careful about overusing "placeatme". Oblivion had an issue with the game not cleaning up properly after the use of this command and mods which made extensive use of "placeatme" would eventually bloat the save game file and create instabilities in the game, itself, sometimes corrupting the save game where any attempt to access it from the game or even the construction kit would cause an instant CTD. I haven't seen any indication that this problem was fixed in Skyrim. If you do use this command to stage fights, then after the battle is over, click on each corpse and type "markfordelete". This will force the game to actually delete, rather than just disable, the bodies the next time the area respawns.


Modding your carryweight can have bad side effects, too. If your inventory gets too full access to it can get very slow and even grind to a halt, locking your game up. I don't know what the limitations are, since I don't use this too often, but I wouldn't set it any higher than 5000. By the way, it's "player.modav carryweight", with one "c" in "carryweight" and not two as fortie wrote.

I'm quite impressed with the fact that there are very few places in Skyrim where you can get "stuck" and can't move. When this happens to you, open your console and make sure no refID is showing. Doubleclick on any object to clear it if you have one on your screen. Then type "tcl" (Toggle CLipping). This will enable you to "fly" through objects to get free. Reissue the command to get back to normal. Be careful with this. Just tap your movement keys. Flying like this is very rapid and you could easily clip entirely out of the area and find yourself in limbo.

Edited by Moraevik
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sorry didnt realise i put 2 c's ha.

i havenever had a problem with setting my carryweight to 1,000,000 although i guess i have never carriedthat much weight ha.

5000 as Moraevik said would probably be plenty though.

also the set ownership cheat to aquire a few different things.

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