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Distant terrain LOD textures??


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hello shield brothers :D lol im working a long time to make the whole game sunny, warm, fresh and alive and lately i got it all perfect except ONE damned thing!

the distance terrain textures around whiterun - use fov 10 and look past where grass and trees etc stop loading - theyre grey and yellowy-orangey colourrs


ANYONE know what that/those texture is called?? please!

ive searched all through CK and BSA files for every keyword i could think - wr, terrain, land, lod, ground, landscape, grass, dirt, rocks, etc etc

cant find it anywhere!!!!


very appreciated if anyone has any idea how to get to it! a special thanks in my mod for any person who can help me here :)

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What you see when you look at LOD is not a texture. It's just a colour that's put there when LOD is generated, so that it closely matches the colours of the landscape textures of that particular area.
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What you see when you look at LOD is not a texture. It's just a colour that's put there when LOD is generated, so that it closely matches the colours of the landscape textures of that particular area.


thx! but damn, i was hoping it isnt something like that

any idea how to get to it? ive changed all the landscape textures of those areas, can i re-generate them or anything? maybe change the type in CK? (markarths distance land looks fine)

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