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Invisible Barrier Bug


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Hey guys, I'm new to modding in Creation Kit and currently working on a custom Character House and today, when testing my mod in-game, I've discovered a strange problem. One small area (not obstructed by any visible items) is not passable by the character.


There seems to be an invisible wall, or block there and I can not figure out what it is. The room is currently empty and flat and the character can go around the invisible obstacle, but not through it. If someone knows what's causing it, please help!


Thank you in advance!

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possibly is a barrier. Collision plane (3D or 2D) are visible in the creation kit if you have markers view enabled. Might want to delete them if they are in your way.


Thanks for the quick reply.

I've checked for hidden markers but there seems to be nothing there. Unless I'm missing something. The default button to toggle markers is 'M' right? Or am I missing something?

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Some objects have a collision mesh that extends further than the object itself. To see the collision mesh, hit F4 in the render window and it will show as thin black lines. Move nearby objects about to see which one moves the collision mesh.
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Some objects have a collision mesh that extends further than the object itself. To see the collision mesh, hit F4 in the render window and it will show as thin black lines. Move nearby objects about to see which one moves the collision mesh.



Thank you so very much! This actually worked, was one of the ceiling parts that I was testing and forgot to delete. It sat low enough that it was invisible in both Creator Kit and game but high enough to be an obstacle. The collision lines were the only things that defined it for me to spot.

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