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How do I split an esp?


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I spent quite a bit of time working on a house mod only to find out that it was creating frequent CTDs when I was testing it. I believe it is because I messed with the 'wilderness' cell's navmesh. This is my first stab at this stuff, so I had already placed everything before I learned that messing with exterior cells is a no-no for beginners. urgh. Anyway, so I removed everything from the exterior cell and put the navmesh back to right (I think), but the mod still causes CTD. I thought I was being very careful to not use any vanilla stuff by duplicating to make my own. I'm not sure it was the exterior cell that was causing the problem.... perhaps I accidentally changed something I shouldn't have. So, this brings me to my question.... using the CK, how can I take a portion of the mod (interior cells, containers, etc.) and move them to a new esp with a clean exterior?? Perhaps this is simple, but I've not been able to figure it out, and I really don't want to start all over if I don't have to. If I can be certain that the exterior is clean, then I can eliminate that as a source of my problem. I appreciate any help you veterans can offer.
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Afaik, you can't. You would have to recreate the content in a new esp.


To correct the navmesh issue, the best way would be to "ignore/delete" any and all edits that you have made to the navmesh and exterior cells, by following this procedure. Back up your mod before trying this, it is easy to mess it up. (PS. Use the CK, not TESVSNIP).

Edited by steve40
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