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Using the Creation Kit Render Window


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I started using the Creation Kit this weekend, trying t make my own follower - today I ran into the problem of not being able to use the Render Window properly. I tried to load quite a few cells into it (interiors only) but the window always stays gray/is stuck in view and I cannot move in any way shape or form using the mouse. I already tried reinstalling CK and updating it to the newest version, nothing worked so far. Google doesn't help either, as it seems not to be a common problem. I get quite a few error warning when loading a cell, but I figured those were only the normal ones and nothing to worry about? I attached a screenshot.


Either way, help would be much appreciated!


Edit1: Alright, after some more playing around the problem still persists, but I can narrow it down - when pressing Y or T I get different views from the cell, allowing me to actually see something. But movement is still impossible, no matter which button combination I try (Middle Mouse Button, Space, Shift + Mouse etc.), Y and T are the only buttons that work. Anyone had a similar problem?

Edited by Blaubeerchen27
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