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Skyrim timelapse series


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Just want to share this timelapse videos





This is the first video of my timelapse series featuring the wonderful landscapes and locations all throughout Skyrim, coupled with a relaxing tune. The clips were recorded from sunrise to sunset to show the environmental lighting and furthermore enhance the natural feel of the video.




Second video, now showing the wonderful skybox of skyrim.


Enb used was the wilds coupled with a fair amount of HD retextures mainly 2k HD texture, water and terrain redux, flora overhaul, lush trees and grass, enhanced night, dramatic clouds, realistic sunglare and a lot more. All setting were maxed out with Enb SSAO on but purposely turned the DOF off(since turning it on will make others things blurry which defeats the purpose of the vid) and running Skyrim on 8 ugrids. Also don't hesitate to comment on the video to suggest locations to include on my next videos.


I'll upload videos every week so don't forget to check back and subscribe.


comments, likes and favorites are highly appreciated


Thanks and enjoy the video

Edited by opiwer123
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