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Fallout 3 crashes on New Game


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First of all, i cannot help you other than telling you what the problem is, as i have had nothing but problems and have fixed them by throwing all my Bethesda games in the garbage...



#1 problem:

windows 7...


This game does not support win 7. i have a rather up to date system that is too state of the art to play Bethesda games, (any Bethesda game)


#2 Steam,

I have gotten corrupt data from Steam before, i have been ripped off by steam before and advise against using steam at all.


I have had fallout 3 over a year before it went in the trash and i never got to play it more than 10 min's at a time and nobody will help you.

I wish i could....


Good luck

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I found only a few key areas that Windows 7 causes problems with Fallout 3.


1. Personalize / Windows Basic Theme There's also a checkbox on the Fallout.exe to disable themes. As silly as it is, the Windows theme breaks Fallout. Easy fix though considering what you can do with Fallout 3.


2. Adding iNumHWThreads=2 to the fallout.ini at the bottom of the general section. If you have a 4 core CPU the game will freeze. This happeneds in the same spots in the game world over an over.


3. 4Gb enabler is a mod that edits your Fallout3.exe to enable more Ram usage. This downplays a memory leak issue that Fallout suffers from due to the expansive persistant world.

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