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the perfect weapon


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This is more or less in response to the "morrowind is unbalanced" comment.


Morrowind is only as unbalanced and the weapons are only as powerful as you make it. Sure, there are some uber weapons and armor out there... don't use them. If you want to roleplay, then by all means, do so. Use netch leather armor and Steel swords.


My perfect weapon? Daedric longbow with what I call some of the "Nuke" arrows. (bought from the fletcher in vivec)

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black mage i take it you are new to morrowind A. because those arows are not that good there are ones that do 5000 damage!!!!!!!!!!!

B. this whole thread is about me with a char who has beaten the game and can whup anyone in the game was experimenting so that shows maybe you have not beaten the game. just an observation :D

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black mage i take it you are new to morrowind A. because those arows are not that good there are ones that do 5000 damage!!!!!!!!!!!

B. this whole thread is about me with a char who has beaten the game and can whup anyone in the game was experimenting so that shows maybe you have not beaten the game. just an observation :D

Anyone could beat anyone with uber weapons... Im running a Khajit Mage heh... might sound like crud, but he's working out awesome. Thus, my Khajit Mage is the ultimate weapon lol. Just kidding around. My best "weapon," if you could call it that, is an enchanted helm. I use it with my theif, to kill people without getting a bounty on my head. Shopkeepers make this exceptionally easy.


All I did was enchant a daedric face of inspiration with damage health self CE (any amount will do for the most part, depending on which helm or armor piece you use, the enchantment will obviously vary).


For shopkeepers, all you have to do is simply sell them the enchanted piece of armor, and make sure it is better than the armor they are currently wearing for that specific piece. If your target is wearing the Ebony Closed Helm you just sold them, you better make damn sure you have a really good helm enchanted. (otherwise making this worthless) After selling them the armor, sleep for 24 hours or so,... depending on the enchantment of course,... and whammo, they have just died of 'natural causes.'


For people who cannot barter with you, I wouldn't attempt this unless I was a theif, or knew how to pickpocket/mug without getting caught. Find your target, and get into their inventory using the pickpocketing method. (sneak and activate), but rather than taking any items, use your new best friend the helm you just enchanted, and place it in their inventory. Now the one problem with this is, they may not immediately equip it. I have run into this a few times, so i just use my "fog" spell (chameleon 100%) and sneak, throwing a knife into the jerk's skull. But, if it does work and they automatically equip it, you're home free.


I hope you have fun experimenting with this, as I do. (Creeper's next,... hehehe)

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yo i knew there are realy no limits to what you can do in this game and you've just proved my point,i never even dreamed of doin something like that and i will praise you and say that the enchanted helm idea as awsome great thinking man you got ne more like that let us know..good job!!
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:lol: I love the "helm of natural death" :lol: got to try that sometime. But my current caracter has a daedric dia-katana with a reach of 1.85 and has a unmodified soul trap enhancment on it. But what makes this little toy deadly is that she also has a ring of 100% camelion CE, a belt of healing( restore health 100-200 CE) and an ebony cuirass with a 50 pt. sheld enchantment CE. put on the ring and the rest and sneak up on you prey and even if you don't get a one hit kill it is fun to run them down with the soul effect trailing after them. another good thing about this combo is that you only have to fight one at a time because they cant see you they cnt ight you. :lol:
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good stuff...very impressed my best so far are two warrior rings(fortify strength 24pts CE)giving my character 740 carry weight and 148 strength,combind with a daedric shield with summon dremora CE and a daedric katana with absorb health 47-48pts


so i got more strength,carry weight,a little help from a demon friend and a restore health every time i attack!!

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:lol: I love the "helm of natural death" :lol: got to try that sometime. But my current caracter has a daedric dia-katana with a reach of 1.85 and has a unmodified soul trap enhancment on it. But what makes this little toy deadly is that she also has a ring of 100% camelion CE, a belt of healing( restore health 100-200 CE) and an ebony cuirass with a 50 pt. sheld enchantment CE. put on the ring and the rest and sneak up on you prey and even if you don't get a one hit kill it is fun to run them down with the soul effect trailing after them. another good thing about this combo is that you only have to fight one at a time because they cant see you they cnt ight you. :lol:

Lie,... sorry to break it to everyone. The exquisite ring, the best ring enchant value wise (as to my knowledge, sorry no daedric yet so this might just be ranting and raving) with 120, only provides, I believe, 24 CE chameleon value... Sorry again if there's some miraculous ring Ive never heard of.


BTW - Thank you soooooooooo much for the praise,... it's really nice to be welcomed to the forums like that, heh. I believe that was post 2 overall for me, so either I have great things to share, or else i just have sooooo much spare time I throw at morrowind I get bored and have to come up with new ideas lol.

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now in theory this should work but i havent actually tried it yet...following the drain health idea for the helm and sell it to a trader..wat about if you were to do a similar thing but with a disintergrate weapon spell?would that damage the weapons in the trader's inventory and make them cheaper because they are damaged or broken??

it would save loads of money if it worked.

for example a glass dagger is normally 4000gp but if it has just 1 point on its condition then it costs 26gp


hope it works neway

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