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Issues with FNIS and ALL FNIS based animations.


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I've been trying to get FNIS (in general) to work, with no luck. I've THOROUGHLY read through the instructions multiple times, re installing over and over. I get the spells (for both base FNIS and the other mods) but they either do nothing, or the characters will be stuck in the 'I AM GOD' pose.

This is where i have it installed at the moment.



And when I run the FNIS generator (no matter WHERE I put the other animations mods (Pinup, AP Skyrim, and ASX)


It only ever shows this:



I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong (or if AP skyrim just broke all other FNIS recognition?)


Like I said, I've followed and read EVERY inch of the instructions atleast thirty times, half of them going slowly, one part at a time and it is still not recognizing (in the FNIS generator for users)


I've tried putting the animations in different parts of the skyrim or skyrim/data folders and nothing.


So I hate to ask, but where am I supposed to be putting these, since apparently FNIS will be the base for almost all animations (whether perverted or not) I'm just tired of trying to fogure this out by myself and MAYBE someone can see something i did wrong that i'm overlooking.

Edited by Arigato
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