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XBox 360 Controller Died, Unable to Replace


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I've been playing Skyrim with the same XBox 360 wired Controller for 6 or 7 years, but it finally died this weekend (no green light whatsoever, laptop will not detect in any USB ports, it's obviously worn out). I've been searching for a replacement online for a few hours now, and I simply cannot find a NAME BRAND Microsoft Xbox 360 wired controller new in sealed package anywhere. There's plenty of Chinese knockoffs that are going to break 2 weeks after plugging them in (assuming they'll work at all), and scores of "refurbished, like-new" controllers that are uncalibrated and will always have drift, or will stop working in two weeks. I'm not at all interested in a wireless controller, and it appears that Microsoft only manufactures the wireless version today.


So I'd like to ask about Xbox One wired controllers, and specifically if they work with this mod; https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/246?tab=posts&BH=5 (Better Xbox 360 Controller, allows the use of 8 hotkeys, as well as quicksave/quickload with the controller. It's an essential mod for me, and frankly a deal-breaker if it doesn't work). Are those what gamers are using to play console games on PC today? Google tells me they're not compatible with Xbox 360 games, so I'm wondering if they're also not compatible with PC games. I know they have more buttons, but will they use the same keymappings that a 360 controller uses, sans the extra keys?


Sorry for my techno ignorance. That's why I'm posting here. I've been playing and modding the same game using the same controller for over half a decade, and I haven't worried about upgrading because I haven't had to until now.

Edited by GammaThreve
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