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Mod Request : healing with AP


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So at this point its pretty fair to say there is a lot of clues that say that as soon as you exit the cryo chamber you are a synth...


1 - when you watch kellogg kill your partner, type tfc and look at the world around you, notice it looks like the memory web of kellog... implanted memory much?


2- want weapon proficiency? want damage reduction? perk it! can humans just upgrade like that?


3- many many other small things, google it :D


So with that being said, im hoping someone would make a mod that costs AP to heal, maybe a holotape that changes settings from like

10 AP

20 AP

30 AP


converts to

10 HP/s

20 HP/s

30 HP/s



Thank you for considering! Really weird no one thought of this considering the revelation was years ago

Edited by Dark4222016
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