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A Daedra's Best Friend picture inside


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weird bug, the statue disappeared after I choose to take the Masque of Clavicus Vile and barbs was still alive!..


I'm not worried about it, just thought it was weird, I'll return to that location and check it out to see if it re-appeared, that's if I don't start a new game



Edited by sinnerman69
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I've had some wonky things happen at this point with this quest, too, including:


Barbas disappears but his statue does not appear (sometimes before and sometimes after Vile gives you his mask)

Barbas and Vile's statue both disappear

Barbas goes "dumb" and refuses to interact with me in any way or to continue on with joining Vile


Like many quests, this one has bugs and they can be triggered by any number of things. In this case (the end of Daedra's Best Friend), I have no idea what's going on. I've done the quest lots of times, and most of the time it works out just fine. As long as you have the mask, then don't worry about it. As canimodo said, the quest is over at that point, so just leave and don't look back. If you didn't get the mask then loading a save just prior to entering Haemar's Shame should fix your issue. You should probably make a point of creating a hard save prior to passing through any transition, anyway. It can save you a lot of re-playing if something should go wrong.

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