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Red Rocket building kit?


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G2M Workshop contains (among other things) some Red Rocket stuff.


Thanks for responding to my post! I have that mod, but I haven't seen any Red Rocket pieces in there...there's a garage door (under 'contraptions', I think) that kinda looks a little Red Rockety, but there are no regular doors or trim pieces or anything like that. I could swear that I saw some 'Red Rocket' lettering somewhere in the absurdly-difficult-to-use labyrinth that is the FO4 settlement workshop...but maybe I was dreaming. Now, let me quickly add that I have several other settlement mods that are missing lots of things...for example, I have the 'Craftable Greebles' mod and I can't find most of the stuff that was suppose to be included; the only things I can find are the tugboats and the big smelter thingy...everything else is missing.

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I'm at work now, but as far as I remember G2M definitely has a whole section (very little though) with Red Rocket things.

Do you have Settlement Menu Manager (SMM)? Some settlement mods requires it. This may explain why you miss some parts of these mods.

I have that mod (downloaded it on April 6th)...ran it about a two weeks ago and it seemed to work ok; ran it again, just now, and it did nothing at all. So, I don't know what the problem is...probably some conflict with other mods.


Edit: SMM did work...it just didn't appear so at first. I went back into the game and about 5 mins. later I got the message that it had completed the task.

Edited by Psywizard
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