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Looking for some script help :)


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So I usually am creative/handy when it comes to scripts. However I'm not sure how to go about this one...


At one point within my mod, I want to copy everything the player has equipped, and dump it into another actor who will then equip it.


Any leads/proposed code is appreciated.

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That woodelf that helps you at the Thalmor Embassy during the mainquest got something that takes the items from you momentarily, maybe that could give you a kickstart for some of the script you want to make? I mean he also let you choose what gear you want to remove. :)
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It does not need to be during dialogue, I was just going to do it very briefly upon the last stage in a quest. I think I may have a solution, but I do not know how reliable it would be... It would function somewhat like my werewolf equip mod. I guess I'll have to give that a go...
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If you plan to use it more than a single time in your quest, you could add a new quest script.


This script will contain a custom function that does all you need. Then you would be able to call it in stages (kmyquest.myFunction()), dialogues, other scripts, whateva.

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The following script is from FG109's profile on the CK wiki. It's a set of scripts for "getting/saving" the actors worn items. Requires SKSE.



;A function returning a 32 element array containing an actor's equipped (base) items. Requires SKSE. 

Form[] Function SaveOutfit(Actor akActor)
Form[] SavedOutfit = new Form[32]
int slot = 1
int i
int j
while (i < 32)
	Form TempForm = akActor.GetWornForm(slot)
	if (TempForm)
		SavedOutfit[j] = TempForm
		j += 1
	slot *= 2
	i += 1
Return SavedOutfit

;There will probably be empty elements, since the actor probably is not wearing an item in every single slot. Automatically sorted so that empty elements are at the end of the array. 

;Also some functions to remove duplicate entries if needed. 

Form[] Function RemoveDuplicates(Form[] InputArray, Int Size)
Form[] OutputArray = new Form[32]
int i = 0
int j = 0
while (i < Size)
	if (ArrayHasForm(OutputArray, InputArray[i]) < 0)
		OutputArray[j] = InputArray[i]
		j += 1
	i += 1
Return OutputArray

Int Function ArrayhasForm(Form[] MyArray, Form MyForm)
int i = 0
while (i < MyArray.Length)
	if (MyArray[i] == MyForm)
		Return i
	i += 1
Return -1


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