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mod request costs and quotes


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i was just wondering how much it costs for mods if i wanted to ask a favorite modder or to request one properly. i would like to start saving up for one idea that i have but i dont even know where to start.


if any modders can share their averages, or requesters can share their past prices. I would imagine that there would be some sort of standard for these things.


any information along these lines would be helpful.

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What is the nature of the mod? A suit of armor? A sword? If your idea was something that was easy and that everyone would want, and that would get a high download count, some modder might be interested in doing it for free. Most mods are made for free because the modder likes the idea and wants it in his or her own game.
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yeah theres no way someone would want to do a race mod for free. i know that. it would be a full head mesh based redo (which i dont think has ever been fully succeeded) and the usual racial abilities and stats ect ect. i have plenty of other complicated things that i would get into and ask if they could be done. i also have design ideas for the face structure and ranges for the sliders. Edited by raziken
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