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Placing weapon racks


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Has anyone figured out a way to do working weapon racks or some you can buy and place outside of the Creation Kit? I seem to remember there being an issue with consoling it in Oldrim because of scripts or something, but that was years ago. I'd settle for buying and placing it. A little more immersive.


Is there a mod that adds this? I know you can do chests, but that is not really what I want for this. And I suck at the Creation Kit outside of actually making weapons.

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Check out Solitude Furniture. You can buy several types of weapon racks, place and use them, in game. It has its own movement system, but I'd suggest using Jaxonz Positioner with it. There are other movement mods, but Solitude Furniture has a specific Use-Jaxonz-Instead command in the MCM.

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Edit: Crud. I use Solitude Expansion, and according to the posts this heavily interferes in the dock areas. I don't see a version where he moved the shop as requested, so I don't think this is something I can use without getting rid of the Expansion. Any other mods that do this?


How easy is it to move the entire shop in the Creation Kit? Because I know nothing about activators, etc.

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I don't know how that would work, to be honest. I tried moving a home once, back in the oldrim days, and it was such a disaster I've never tried again.


Maybe try out Decorator Helper. The description says you can select and move weapon racks and such, and their activators go with them. It is supposed to have the same take feature as Jaxonz, where you can grab something from elsewhere in the world and take it home. Hard save first, but looks like it may do what you need. Also SKSE64 optional.



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