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Deathwing Armour Concept, any takers? :D


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Hey, today i discovered a really awesome concept drawing of 'Deathwing Armour' from the World of Warcraft lore. Now, im not really a fan of WoW itself but to be quite frank the lore isnt too different from TES and this idea is one that cant be refused. If there are any skilled 3D artists out there that could create this mod for Skyrim.. id just cry with happiness. I MEAN LOOK HOW GODDAMN COOL IT IS! - Deathwing: Human form.


A realistic option would be using pre-made meshes from perhaps the Daedric and Dragonplate/bone armour and retex'ing them for the purpose of this, with a few tweaks and perhaps a few new pieces.

The weapon in the picture.. i wouldnt be too worried about, its not even that awesome in my eyes but hey, if anyone could do it too im sure there are plenty of Nexus regulars that might appreciate that as well. I should stress though the orange lava-type veins on the armour should probably have some sort of glow effect or the set would just look kinda silly. Not really too sure how thatd be achieved but i know there are plenty of you out there that are capable of this.


To add to what ive already said, and for those who are into immersion and like to work for their swag, a quest line involving maybe an ancient lord of the oblivion planes or something that once broke through into tamriel sounds like a good addition for a later update from the base model. Perhaps said Lord of Oblivion was soul-trapped within his own armour, and the unique set locked away for someone worthy or powerful enough to control it. To prove the Dovahkiin meets this, i would think for something this powerful an elder scoll may even be involved, and once read it will auto-teleport you to the location it was kept in. For a forging option (for those that cant be bothered) i would think it would fall under Daedric, but whatever these things dont bother me too much. To actually incorporate it into Skyrim lore however, the name i had originally thought of was 'Daedric Hellfire Armour' Because, not only does it fit, and look similar, it sounds bad to the freakin bone as well.


So, i leave it at that, ive given my ideas and now i shall wait, however i would request that if someone decides to follow up on this that they tell me (obviously) as soon as they plan to release a beta or whatever. If you can do it, you truly are a god amongst gamers!


- Josh

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