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Dawnguard Elite!


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Hey! I'm currently working on a "Dawnguard Elite" Mod, it will include (AT-LEAST):


A new "Dawnguard Elite Silver Crossbow" (possibly a re-texture type mod unless someone is willing to create the crossbow, including animations and all that shizzle) This may be able to be enchanted/upgraded with "Quick Silver" for a faster reload speed.


New "Dawnguard Elite Silver Bolts", high damage, all the perks of silver weapons etc. Also these will be textured to look like they have Silver Tips, AND Silver Engrained in the wood (I LOVE this idea :L)


Picture Below: Dawnguard Elite Silver Bolts




New "Dawnguard Elite Silver Armor" basically a white/shiny armor set. Planning to do Light and Heavy versions (with different textures). The light version will PROBABLY be similar to "Apotheus Light Armor" (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19501) and LC_Elite Archer Armor (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22870). If someone wants to make some armor, I'll take a look and if I like it I shall include it.



!!!NEEDED!!! Someone that has "the nack" for creating custom weapons, primarily the crossbow, AND the "Skills" to do the animation, pretty much the abilities for the whole "shibang" for crossbows. If that is you, get in touch! (also if you make any other silver weapons that look awesome, I will consider including them xD) and Obviously; Credit given where Credit's due!



As always I am open to any Ideas/Suggestions and/or Tips in regard to this mod.



Cheers KeiranGinge

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