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Quick modding question!


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Please, I would be delighted if someone could answer this.



1.) let's say I want a topic to NOT appear unless player has gotten to a certain stage in the ques (for example, you can only tell Moira Brown you went to the minefield AFTER you went to the minefield).


So, what condition would I use?


Secondly, what result script in the dialogue window would I use to end a quest? Thank you all.

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Usually I make Stage 100 as my Quest Complete Stage no matter how many other Stages.


In the Dialogue Result Script I would put the following.

SetStage YourQuestID 100

This says to run my final Stage 100 so I can stop the quest cleanly.


Now in the Stage 100 Result Script I put the following to stop the quest and clean it all up.

CompleteAllObjectives YourQuestID
StopQuest YourQuestID

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