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Expand letterbox


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Hi! I am using Stakado Cinemascope ENB. I would like to expand the letterbox to make it look like an anamorphic 2.35:1 film format. How can i edit it? Which lines in which .ini do I have to change? I have edited a couple of lines myself, for use of memory or such things, but I am totally lost on ENB lines and their meanings.

Thank you very much!!

Edited by tylermcpotter
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As far as I can tell, it uses the Vignette effect to simulate letterbox. This is going by the fact that the "No letterbox" option has that effect turned off. I haven't tried this at all, but the relevant section is in enbeffect.fx under "HD6_VIGNETTE". I think you just have to change the two numbers for sqvigpwr. You may also need to change vstrengthatnight (to 1.0?) since it says that it's turned off at night.

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