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On Binding: Flesh And Bone Constructs


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Hello fellow Skyrim Fans. I am creating a mod to expand upon the various aspects of Skyrim. On Binding is going to be a series of mods that will attempt to expand the magic, guild and quest side of things eventually aiming to add guilds to each hold like in the days of yore.

Speaking of the days of yore - on binding borrows some of its creative momentum from old morrowind mods such as LichCraft, and Tel Scelestus so if you are familiar with the mods, the concepts here wont be entirely strange.



Flesh And Bone Constructs is the first installment that will attempt to introduce a new concept - spell weaving. It allows multiple schools of magic to form the basis of the new Binding System, that will overhaul the summoning aspect of the game where undead are concerned.


Binding is considered by the mod to be a more pure form of the summoning power practiced by ancient wizards of the past. It can be applied to creatures in other realms, lifeless creatures, machinery, anything and produces a number of affects based on the schools of magic used.

This mod will allow it to be used to animate Flesh and Bone Constructs - basically, skeletons, zombies, and all kinds of other forms of undead. It will also allow you to modify them for combat, place them into squads, and even appoint squad leaders.

Unlike necromancy as the game considers it - there is no need for black soul gems or souls of any kind. Instead, an empty soulgem is required. Alteration and Illusion and conjuration schools mix togeather to allow control of how the construct works. No need for trapping poor souls into dead carcasses, like a maniac. All you truly need is the materials. You can even animate sets of armor this way, but with a slightly different process. But this installment covers only the "undead" as of yet.

The constructs you create are altogeather different than undead. They are not considered by the game to be "Undead" as they are in fact, absolutely dead - merely animated. They do not suffer from silver, or any weapon that would specifically harm the undead. They also boast all the standard resistences you expect undead to have, such as being unable to drown, never fatigue ect, ect. However, the ambiant energy that keeps them animated is bound in the soul gem, inside. Eventually, this gets damaged, and can cause the construct to possibly go haywire, if left entirely unmaintained for too long.


Possible Constructs So far include
Zombie Wolves - Looks like the vampires death hound, but is very different in its abiltiies. Will Eventually get Different Skin.
Skeletons - What you would Expect
Zombies - What you would expect

Proto-Zombies - Proto-Zombies are the predecessors of the flesh golem. When the player learns how to construct them, it will be their first real attempt at spell weaving. Spell weaving will allow the binder to "enchant" the creature with many different effects. Proto-Zombies were used by binders as guardians against vampires. They can be enchanted with enhanced speed, strength, and many other abilities that make them a formidable defense against lower cast vampires. One ability such as resurgent death - causes the proto-zombie to reanimate and burst violently into a proto-skeleton, ready to wreck havoc on its killer.

Later undead will include mummies, flesh golems, ghouls, and abberant mutant vampire strains.




On top of creating undead constructs, the player will interact with a rival faction who can be an ally, or an enemy. The leader is packaged to act similiarly to a player, and will attempt to clear dungeons with their faction. They will also offer trade agreement deals, defense pacts, and other things, as included will be an enemy faction, that will rival both sides. I will expand upon this as time goes on, however, the ground work is only lightly laid for this feature.



So far the player can send out messengers to request things, and obtain items and such for them.





I am getting close to getting the core features complete, and will need an alpha tester or too. I would also like to test the waters and see if anyone is interested in assisting with this project in any way.




If you want to help I need.


additional scripters

Interior Desingers

NPC designers/packages.

a writer or two who will assist where needed.



If your some person who doesnt know anything but would be willing to learn.
I may consider teaching you how to do a thing or two, if you can be relied upon use it to help me.


Anyone serious enough to apply for that position must have the SSE creation kit, ready and working.


That's the only stipulation. I wont waste time helping people get it working. If you want to help me script


Then you need to have the scripting side of things already taken care of, so note pad ++ or whatever you use, recognizes






I could also use feedback here on ideas, and things people might like to see.




Thanks :D
















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