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a terribly easy 3 in 1 tutorial, PLEASE?!?!


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Is there a very VERY basic tutorial for all three WryeBash, BOSS and the CK together? You diligent mod makers could have an awful lot less grief if a helpful soul did a breakdown of working the three programs. I'd wager that the majority of mod related user problems would speedily evaporate. The painstaking time and effort put into designing and catering all these pretty fantastic mods, freely available I might add, wouldn't go amiss and Skyrim could be revolutionised and deeply immersive - hell, I threw a kamehameha wave at Malacath (the only thing that slowed down the demon). If that's possible by just installing a few mods, understanding these programs could make all the difference is all I'm saying.
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Gopher have a very good and basic tutorial video on BOSS


A good guide for using wrye bash can be found at the S.T.E.P community wiki



The CK is a lot more complex and needs more effort and time to learn, I think the best option here is using the official Beth tutorials and play around with it

http://www.creationkit.com/ and

Edited by Annon
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