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Mage Armor


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OK i like playing mages but i keep having to go to light or heavy armor to protect myself so what id like this mod to do is

have different levels of mage armor (cotton, silk, Alchamel?, dewemer?)

and not only that but be able to gather the materials and Make them.

now obviously they wont give the same armor as light or heavy armor but i think it would be a great addition

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so, you want another armor for mage (like battlemage armor?)

by Natterforme:

Daedric Mage Armor

Ebony Mage Armor

Dragonbone Mage Armor


by hothtrooper44:

Dwarven Mage Armor, Dragonhide Robes, Spellbinder Armor from Immersive Armor

(Spellbinder Armor only for male)

(Dwarven Mage Armor is by rahman530, from Lore Friendly Armor Pack, but that mod have a lot bugs (clipping or lot of gap). hothrooper44 fix that bugs)

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