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Save Game coruption


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lately my save games keep breaking, i start a new game quit oblivion and can't load save game anymore it just chrashes oblivion right before showing the game

can anyone please check if its a mod or a OBSE Plugin causing it?

my load order:




Cobl Main.esm

All Natural Base.esm

Better Cities Resources.esm

Kvatch Rebuilt.esm



You Are Here.esm

Lamps of Oblivion Master.esm






OBGE - Liquid Water.esp


AliveWaters - Koi Addon.esp

AliveWaters - Slaughterfish Addon.esp

Akatosh Mount By Saiden Storm.esp


Extended Death Camera.esp


Portable Campsite - Quickstart.esp

Regrowing Nirnroot - Normal Plant.esp

FormID Finder4.esp








Smarter Bandits.esp

Better dungeons.esp

Assassin's Hideout v1.1.esp


Griffon Fortress 7.2.esp

Castle Ravenpride.esp




Adaman Fortress.esp

DragonsBlood Castle.esp





Secret Hideout.esp

Side's Bravil House.esp

Side's Bravil House (COBL).esp

Lost Paladins of the Divines.esp

ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Forts.esp

ImpeREAL Empire Unique Cities - Sutch.esp


RealisticFlora - DLCFrostcrag.esp

RealisticFlora - DLCVileLair.esp


Border Removal.esp

Regional Legion Soldiers by Ionis.esp



attack and hide harder v2.0.esp

Toaster's Legendary Mastery.esp




SbtP_ad cobl.esp

Treemold Hall.esp



Elkhorn lodge.esp

Woodsman Home_1_2.esp




Türme der Wälder.esp



More Magicka x25.esp

Book Jackets Oblivion.esp



Improved Fires and Flames - Increased Sound.esp

Better Bell Sounds.esp


Shining Creatures.esp

Shining Creatures_DLCFrostcrag.esp

Armored Skeletons (LL).esp




ZOMBIES! - Interior barricades chorrol.esp

ZOMBIES! - 28 days and a bit V3.esp


Oblivion Fallout v1.1 Core1.esp

Oblivion Fallout v1.1 Cyrodiil Core2.esp

Oblivion Fallout v1.1 Core3.esp

OF- Dagon Cave.esp

Roxey Cabin.esp






Longer Dive Rock.esp

No Glow Grass.esp



Masters Alive.esp

Multiple Creature Summoning.esp


Chapel Sanctuary.esp


Tree House -Crowd of Stallion-.esp

Sunrise Treehouse.esp










Cobl Glue.esp

Cobl Si.esp

Cobl Races.esp

Cobl Tweaks.esp

Lamps of Oblivion.esp



All Natural.esp

All Natural - SI.esp

Enhanced Seasons.esp


Immersive Interiors.esp

Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp

Thieves Highway Anvil (Eng).esp


A Sneaky Buy - BETTER CITIES.esp



Better Cities .esp

Better Cities Full.esp

Better Imperial City.esp

Better Cities Full FPS Patch.esp

Better Imperial City FPS Patch.esp

Better Cities - All Natural.esp

Better Cities - COBL.esp

Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp


ColourWheels LOD project (Imperial City).esp

Enhanced Grabbing.esp

Bashed Patch, 0.esp



obse version: 0020

obse plugin list:








Edited by olha2
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Don't use 'Natural Weather' along with 'All Natural'. They are both weather mods and will conflict. Use 'All Natural'. The 'Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp' file is fine, non-conflicting, and the only remaining part of "Natural" recommended.

Also, don't use 'weOCPS.dll'. It's masking other problems that will lead to 'save game corruption', which might be what you are encountering now. See the current thread 'weOCPS: Worth using or not?' discussing this.


Are there any Windows error messages? Those sometimes provide clues.


@ Problem: Save game CTDs with about 1/2-2/3 loaded.

Cause 1

Known problem with both Conscribe and "Enhanced Music Control" (EMC) loaded. Either works fine alone. EMC is no longer supported. Conscribe is, but not interested due to other priorities.


Disable one or the other.


Cause 2

Scripts which are in the save game looking for variables no longer present from a removed mod will cause this symptom.


Restore the removed mod, and check it's README for how to perform a "Clean Save".


Cause 3

OBSE Plugin conflicts. (offset in very high address, i.e. 984cb204)


Check Readme for each plugin for possible duplication of effect (conflicts) and compatibility with current version of OBSE.

Solution 2

Replace the Oblivion.ini in the (My Documents/My Games/Oblivion) folder with a backup copy, or completely remove so it is recreated. May also require reinstalling mods which modify the ini if this corrects the load problem. Also, check that any selected font files (such as DarnUI provides) have been installed in the fonts folder. "MyFiles\Oblivion\INI Backups" has a copy of the last known working version of "Oblivion.ini", along with versions at various stages of mod implementation.

Solution 3

Move all files in (My Documents/My Games/Oblivion) to a different location. Start the game and see if it works. If it does then you may copy back the "Save" folder back in.



Some other crash related threads that may be of help:

'Crash on load from main menu'

'Consistent Crashing'

'TES4Edit Cleaning List'



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k i'm gonne try play whitout weOCPS.dll

also ive disabled natural weather and enabled Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp


windows error message is like always somthing like this: oblivion has stopt working shutting it down (you know the usaul thing)



cause 1

i have completly no idea what ur talking about her could u please explain (sorry to be of a bother)


cause 2

evrietime a mod tolt me to do a clean save when uninstalling it or so i did (atleast when it said it the readme to do so i did)



cause 3

about the ini oke but how can i do it so that it won't start recounting the screenshots so it won't ooverwrite earlier schreenshots (or should i just back them up)

and ur telling me i should:

delete oblivion.ini so it can generate a new one that isen't edited by mods so it will work like vanilla oblivion (wel the ini file)

and do'se the INI tell what mods where active? becouse oblivion save manger (inplented in OBMM) also do's that

at the moment ive using a mod like DarnUI even do i don't remeber which one excatly


and why relocat the save game folder? i don't really get the point of this one

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  On 8/28/2012 at 5:58 PM, olha2 said:

windows error message is like always somthing like this: oblivion has stopt working shutting it down (you know the usaul thing)

Windows error messages only superficially look like they are saying 'the usual'. The details in the lower, large box are what are significant and do matter.


Typically an Oblivion related error with be an 'Event 1000, Application Error'. These are found in the 'Administrative Tools | Event Viewer' tool under your 'Start' button | 'All Programs' folder. Look in the 'Windows Logs | Application' section of the 'Event Viewer'. (Google 'Event Viewer' for your particular Operating System if you still can't find it.)


In particular the following details are of significance in these circumstances:

'Faulting application:' (probably 'Oblivion.exe, version:, time stamp: <something>'

'Faulting module name:' (very significant, the actual component source of the error)

'Exception code:' (exactly what type of error)

'Fault offset:' (where in the faulting module the error occurred)


If any of the remaining lines of information seem pertinent, they should be given as well. In fact, the preferred method of conveying this information is a screenshot, but at least list the above data.



cause 1

i have completly no idea what ur talking about her could u please explain (sorry to be of a bother)

This is an excerpt from a list of known problems, causes, and solutions. You have to exercise some common sense as to whether they apply to you or not. These are all possibilities; not certainties.


Re Cause 1: These are both mods that add OBSE plugins. If you don't have them both installed, then they are not your problem.



cause 2

evrietime a mod tolt me to do a clean save when uninstalling it or so i did (atleast when it said it the readme to do so i did)

A proper clean save is a little more involved than many people realize; even many mod authors. Take a look at the full procedure and see if perhaps a missing step might be the source of your woes. The primary reason for the elaborate 'clean save' procedure is because when you remove a mod it can leave remnants behind in your save game files. Even a proper 'clean save' is no guarantee those remnants will be removed. That can only be certain by reverting back to a save before the mod was installed. But the full 'clean save' procedure gives you your best shot at avoiding that. However, the 'clean save' as a solution to your problem is only likely if you have narrowed down which mod is the source of it.



cause 3

about the ini oke but how can i do it so that it won't start recounting the screenshots so it won't ooverwrite earlier schreenshots (or should i just back them up)

Backups are always a good idea. When in doubt, back up. But in this instance, just don't take any new screenshots until you have restored that portion of the new INI to the same value in your old one. As long as the starting value and location do not change, it should pick up the counter just fine.



and ur telling me i should:

delete oblivion.ini so it can generate a new one that isen't edited by mods so it will work like vanilla oblivion (wel the ini file)

While you can delete the old INI, my personal preference is to rename it by adding '.old' to the end, or a version number or something else unique so it's still around for comparison. And it's important to use the 'Options' on the first menu and then quit. That's the point where it re-detects your hardware and creates the new INI.



and do'se the INI tell what mods where active? becouse oblivion save manger (inplented in OBMM)

No, OBMM is not affected by the INI settings. It goes by the files it finds in the 'Data' and 'OMOD' folders. I'm not sure by what you mean "oblivion save manger". OBMM has nothing to do with save game files. None of the 'mod managers' do. (And I really recommend you take the time to learn to use Wrye Bash. It's much better than any of the current alternatives.)



also do's that

at the moment ive using a mod like DarnUI even do i don't remeber which one excatly

A UI mod like DarnUI does make changes to the INI and is why you need to re-install it after a new one is created. The same applies to OBSE plugins.



and why relocat the save game folder? i don't really get the point of this one

Note this is the last suggested solution. You would do it only if everything else failed, to determine if there is something in your profile 'Oblivion' folder (not just the saves) that is causing the problem. That folder has all the 'personalization' files related to the game. If testing with a brand new character still failed to show any improvement, then you will know your profile has nothing to do with it and you can move it back. Part of tthe reason is that Oblivion has shown a distressing tendency to 'read' any and all files it finds in it's folders, even if it isn't going to 'load' them, and often that can cause problems. This is a 'last ditch' step to determine if that is what is happening here. If moving it doesn't solve the problem, and no one else has any suggestions, you are pretty much only left with re-installing from scratch and re-installing all of your mods one-by-one and testing between each. And starting over from new save games as well. But hopefully something will turn up before that point to give us a clue. Like the Windows error codes.


I realize this sounds like a lot of work. Getting a stable 'modded Oblivion' game IS a lot of work. Every time you make a change to your Load Order you run the risk of breaking your current save game. Even if all you do is update existing mods. Which is why people developed tools like 'Multiple Oblivion Manager' (MOM) so they can have a 'test bed' to try out new mods before they plug them into their existing game.



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