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Good DLC mods


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Oh wow, I just found this awesome Point Lookout mod and I want MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR!*


Translation: I love my mods. But almost all mods I have seen are set in the Capital Wasteland. This of course is no big issue, however, just discovering an in depth DLC mod makes me happy in ways that description would not be safe for work. But since I do love the DLCs so much (except the Broken Steel thing I may or may not ever get to actually playing) I would LOVE to mod more. So what are the good DLC mods, the cream of the crop, the things that make you drool once you actually played them? I will take all commers, but I am especially interested in the following mods:


The Pitt:

1. A mod where her can be more done with Werner if you side with Ashur but don't kill them.

2. Concurrently, a mod where you can save and exile Ashur and his wife as Media wanted, using Marie as a hostage (this would involve having to listen to the tapes and then convince both that being around to be parents is more important than dying while clinging to power)

3. A way to make the Protectrons that were pre-war designed for steel working, to be used in the mill instead o slaves, thus leading to actual emancipation.

4. A mod to help end of the Trog Syndrome. In stead of the cure being way off, a high medicine/science person can help find the cure with appropriate quests


Point Lookout:

1. An actual working village at the pier, so there's more non-hostile NPCs and a reason for Haley and Pandora to actually hang around.

2. Smuggler side quest (if only to answer WTF are they smuggling in a lawless part of the country?)

3. A way to make peace with the Swampfolk.

4. A more expanded Blackhall Quest and multiple options on how to deal with the evil book (like translating the thing and preserving the translation before incinerating the thin at the Dunwich building. As in, all the wisdom, none of the inherent evil) and anything else.



1. Adding live trees to the simulation. Even if you play in the dead world of vanilla, the world of 2076 isn't dead yet.

2. More post Anchorage interactions with McGraw and co.

3. Benjamin Montgomery companion mod. FTW



1. Anything that adds to the post-Zeta experience

2. A way to save Elliot's Squadmates, even if it means leaving them in Zeta to revive them later when it is medically safe to do so.


So....got any good mods?



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