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Weird CTD in Candlehearth with ELFX Enchancer


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If I'm in candlehearth have ELFX Enhancer on and leave conversation with racist proprietor--Something Early-Dawn--the game crashes. It isn't super consistent about when it crashes, sometimes it's right after leaving conversation with her, sometimes it's after engaging her a few times.


I can't see why this should be happening. ELFX doesn't make any changes to her and none of the changes it makes to Candlehearth should cause a crash. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?

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OK. I finally figured it out--of course I figured it out on my own after hours of hammering away at it and finally asking for help. Anyway, the problem was not just ELFX Enhancer, it was the combination of ELFX enhancer and Facelight plus. Neither was causing problems on their own, but together they were causing CTDs. I can confirm that with only Facelight (and Sky UI which it requires) and ELFX there is a crash in Candlehearth hall. This problem dissapears if facelight is replaced with https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19843?tab=files.


So, if anyone is having this problem, there's your fix.

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