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Looking for bodyslide files or the armor meshes so I can convert to bodyslide


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So waaaay back in the fall, I snagged the Commonwealth Spartan Halo armor mod, but never got around to playing around with it till now. Once I did, I happened to notice that the armor and techsuit didn't conform to my custom bodyslide preset, so I go into the app to check to see if I applied the preset to the outfits, only to find there was no bodyslide conversion in my outfit list. Go into outfit studio to make the conversion manually, only to find the mod is entirely contained in an .esm, no actual files added to the meshes folder. Go to Nexus to download the loose files....and the mod's been taken down.


So I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me out and happened to have either the loose files so I can make a conversion, or the conversion itself, they could toss my way.

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