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NoGrass textures make a lot of grass. Anyone have an explanation or tutorial for dealing with grass textures?

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So this is something I'm finding extremely frustrating when trying to make the ground around my new structures look good and I'm wondering if anyone knows of some good tutorials or can explain how textures work a bit better for me? It seems like CK creates new grass anywhere that there is a border between textures, even if both textures are NoGrass textures. In this case I'm primarily using LTundra01NoGrass and LFieldGrass01NoGrass. I can make a large section of either one of these textures and there is no grass spawned in at all, but when I bring in the other texture and paint it over the grassless section, all of a sudden there is a chunk of grass spawned in.


There are a few options on the landscape edit window that I'm not 100% certain how they interact with each other or what they do so maybe problem lies in one of these options? I would assume that each of the options only applies to the section that it's in but I've made assumptions about CK in the past that have been wrong so...


Falloff% in the Height section

Max Opacity in Texture section

Edit Strength % in the Water Flow Mode section

Edit Fallof % in the Water Flow Mode section.


Opacity seems pretty straightforward but it seems to create grass the same whether it's 1 or 100.


I've seen other sections from the game where it transations from one grassless texture to another without this issue so I gotta wonder if I'm just doing something wrong.

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