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Rideable Polar Bear


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I found a Rideable Bear mod, and I found a Polar Bear "skin". I NEED a rideable War Polar Bear for my Nord!!!


I'm guessing you experts here could probably kick this out in under an hour. Also, an option for a saddle would be nice, too! Armor would be amazing!!




Mr Sly

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I can reskin the ridable bear for you so it's a polar bear if you want? the armour and saddle i cant do though, id guess that they would take along time aswell as you would have to make em from scratch so that they fit the bear mesh.
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You all have the right idea. I developed this character a LONG time ago, somewhere around 1982. He lived out on the Tundra, and had a War Polar Bear that he rode. The bear is a bit larger than an actual Polar Bear, which is larger than other bears normally...


When I saw the Rumple Minze ads all over the place, it reminded me of my bear and rider. Quite astonishingly so!


When I saw ads for The Golden Compass, it was the same! A War Polar Bear, with armor!!


So yes, in a way you are all correct. What I'd REALLY like is to have a War Polar Bear that is rideable (saddle or not) that is armored similar to the Golden Compass ones. He'd also be a companion (minion?). My Polar Bear doesn't talk, he's a bear. But it'd be great for him to follow basic commands like stay, guard, follow, attack...


I'd also like him to look a bit more menacing than the teddy-bear looking one in the rumplemod. He needs some more fur texture and be a bit more angry looking, like the ones in the BEAR CAVALRY picture!


I understand that adding the armor might be a bit much, so unarmored would be just fine with me. I just want to finally see my character with his mount in this awesome game!!!


Thanks everyone,


Mr Sly

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If you would be so kind as to reskin the rideable bear for me to make it a Polar Bear, that would be greatly appreciated! At least I'd have the basic rideable bear for my Nord. Which is STILL a great leap over what I have now.


And, if you could direct me to where to learn to reskin for myself at some later point, I'd be greatful for that as well!

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I don't know if the other ridable bear has the same issue, but when I made my Polar Bear (that's my mod that Sharkull was linking to) I found that I couldn't get a good walk animation. The tool used to convert the horse-riding animations corrupted the keyframes, and I got a spurious dip of the rider in the middle of the cycle, so she would drop into the bear's back and then pop back up again.


That's one reason I didn't just provide a "Ridable Polar Bear" mod. In the context where I'm using it, she runs all the time, so that bad animation never gets used, but it might become an issue for the Player Character.


I haven't done any equipment (bridle, saddle, armor) for the bear (yet?) so I can't help out with that.

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If you would be so kind as to reskin the rideable bear for me to make it a Polar Bear, that would be greatly appreciated! At least I'd have the basic rideable bear for my Nord. Which is STILL a great leap over what I have now.


And, if you could direct me to where to learn to reskin for myself at some later point, I'd be greatful for that as well!


im on it now ;) (sorry about late reply, haven't been online in a few days)

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