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A Legend of Zelda mod.


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Legend of Zelda Mod concepts:

Everything Listed Is able to be used, no problem. I am just raising ideas and dont care if their used. That also means that these ideas can be changed for any reason


1.A weapons,clothes,potions,food, or spell mod

Mod(s) that add items like weapons,clothes,potions,food, or spells from legend of Zelda world (Ocarina,Skyward sword, Botw,etc).

Quest Template: One of the divines(or daedra) have sent new and unknown artifacts from their realms and have sent the dragonborn to find them, (maybe) opposing worshipers may try to stop you (i.e) a divine worshiping dragonborn attacked by thalmor or daedra worshipers.

Item ideas:



Gannons weapon from twilight princess

Links weapons from the games

Zelda's rapier from Twilight princess



Gannons outfit from twilight princess or Ocarina of time

Links outfits from the games

Zelda's outfits from the games



The many (many) Potions from the games



The many (many) Foods From the games



Won't work against higher level Enemies!

Din's Fire- A AoE attack that is usable multiple times a day acts like any other spell.

Farore’s Wind-A teleport that can be used up to a certain distance, acts like any other spell.

Nayru's Love-A barrier around the Player that will negate any damage, Can't use any magic or shouts without disrupting the barrier thus ending it, acts like any other spell.

Mipha’s Grace-A one time a day ability that activate on a hit that would kill you. Regens all or 75% of your health.

Daruk’s Protection-A one time a day effect that activates using the shout key. Blocks all damage from any attack for 5 minutes

Urbosa’s Fury-A massive AoE electric attack usable only once a day using the shout key

Revali's Gale- A large AoE attack that launches enemies off their feet using a massive gust of wind. Usable once a day via the Shout key.

2.Race mod(s)

Title(s)- Hylian,Gerudo,Kokiri,Rito,Sheikah,Goron, and Zora


Race abilities:

Bold if using a perk overhaul

Hylian- More Magicka than a normal Nord or Imperial

Racial abilities: Able to get a boost to health and stamina by 75 for 1 day or Able to Use the triforce of courage for 1 day to shapeshift into the NPC you're looking at to lose guards or other enemies.

Gerudo- More stamina and Health but less Magicka than a Hylian

Racial abilities:Able to go invisible for 75 seconds for a Day or Use the triforce of Power to increase your Magicka by 100

Kokiri- More Magicka than any other race in the mod but very little health

Racial Abilities:Able to Influence Animals around you too fight by your side for 75 seconds or Use the triforce of Courage to increase your health to match the gerudos.

Rito-(if player has flying mod) Has the ability to fly, Lots of stamina but basic health and magicka

Racial Abilities:Ability to fly faster than normal for 15 seconds AND 105 more carry weight.

Sheikah-More Health and Magicka but less stamina

Racial Abilities:Ability to summon a guardian sword (from botw) as a bound sword or turn invisible in shadows once a day for 15 seconds.

Goron-More health but less stamina and magicka than any race

Racial Abilities:Increase One handed by 100 for 5 seconds or Increase health by 100 for 5 seconds.

Zora-Lots of Stamina,more magicka than a gerudo but basic health

Racial Abilities:Ability to swim faster (if you have frost fall they won't get cold as fast in water)and a stronger healing spell.



Takes everything listed here and complies them into a unique and Fun mod with a quest,Side quests,boss fights, and much more.


Title concept- The Elder Scrolls Breath of the Triforce


Main Quest concept:

How to start- On the walk to the throat of the world you will a Shrine from Botw. When you enter you are in a combat trial with a Guardian. After beating the Guardian you will get a spirit ord and are teleported out… but not to Tamriel. Instead you’re teleported to Hyrule Castle. There you talk to people and find out about the incoming threat of ganon and the gerudo’s. You can either join Ganon or Join Hyrule and help Link,Zelda, and the Kingdom.


Boss concepts:


Ganon- Fights with two swords

Ganon Beast mode- Using custom animations he fights like he does in twilight princess

Zelda(Possesed)- Fights using her rapier

Dark Link- Self explanatory


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  • 5 months later...

"Mipha’s Grace-A one time a day ability that activate on a hit that would kill you. Regens all or 75% of your health."


I dont know how, and I dont know what mod, but I have an effect of Miphas Grace on my Se right now. I cant die. Its actually driving me nuts cause Im so curious WHICH mod its coming from. But this DOES exist.

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