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expert destruction bug (?)+ perk reset


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Hey guys i hope you can help me.

Right now I'm about Lvl. 45 and i just got my expert destruction skill. I ran around it some time, a little anoyed because i couldn't find the fitting spell, but when i downloaded some players home mod and found the expert lightning spell i figured myself lucky. Now heres my problem: the spell still costs 95 (somwhere around that) magika.

As you might figured i searched and found the perk reset mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19944 (the german version for i am german). I thought maybe it's some weird bug, if i just skill it again it will go away. Now heres my second problem: when i use the stone near to the guardians it not only resets my skills i also lose all of my skill points.

I looked around some time but i hadn't found an answer that helped me. I really hope you have an answer.




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