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Wizard Quest Bug


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Good afternoon,


I've played skyrim for almost 100 houres. Now I am almost at the point where I will complete the wizard/magic questline. I completed the puzzle at the oculory (I left Mr. Decimius alive), and left the dwarven ruins to do some other quests; After four houres surrounded by mages, I'd wanted to do something else.


When I came back at the wizard tower to turn in my quest (Revealing the Unseen), the archmage and Mirabelle asked me to help them to destroy a magical barrier, wich was preventing them to enter the main hall of the wizard tower. Inside the hall, Ancano was messing around with the Eye of Magnus. The Archmage blew up when he tried to stop Ancano (cutscene). Everything went white. After waking up, Mirabelle asked me to find the Archmage. At this point, the quest 'Revealing the Unseen' was completed, but Mirabelles words did not trigger the new quest 'Containment'. The Archmage is lying dead outside the tower, while everyone who passes by don't even notice him, except me.


I've read at the internet that this was a common problem for many people, still I did not find a working solution. I've tried to progress trough the console, I ran around in the courtyard (and killed a dragon who wanted to learn some magic tricks just like me), reloaded the cutscene a few times, etc etc...


Who would be so kind to releave me of this highly annoying bug?





(The Netherlands ^^)

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I can't really give you any advice (the quest worked fine for me) except for using setstage in the console. I have had to do that a few times in other quests that wouldn't progress on their own. For example in my savegame Paarthurnax never showed up so I has to setstage myself through my encounters with him. If you just completed the one quest, use it on the first step of the following quest and you shold be fine (usually setstage 10, see the UESPWiki for details).
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Thanks for your post.

I've already tried the console a few times, but nothing happens.


The only thing I found was simply loading a save before the quest line. This is impossible in my case, because its over 40 houres of playing time after I started the quest.

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