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No mods shown in MCM mod menu.


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Today I decided to start up Skyrim again after several months of not playing. I installed some visual overhauls, because the main reason I stopped was that plain, boring vanilla look.

Now the issue is, as said in the title, my MCM mod menu isn't showing anything in game despite having shown a good number of available menus the last time I played. I've tried everything I can think of myself, that includes:

-reinstalling all mods

-clearing it all out with TES5edit (basically just ITM correction) aswell as removing NavMeshes with Creation kit

-reinstalling Skyrim itself


Also here's a list of the newly installed mods:

The kids are alright, Snapdragon Prime ENB, A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads, Climates of Tamriel, Skyrim Flora Overhaul, RealVision ENB, Realistic Lighting Overhaul, Realistic Water Two


If you want a list of already installed mods, just ask. Once I read it, I'll post it.

Edited by Berenoth
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