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I try also here:

I have a problem using two mods: Real Wildlife and Hunting in Skyrim.

In Hunting in Skyrim, there is a quest to retrieve 10 Wolf and Bear pelts. The fact is, that Real Wildlife adds some new types of pelts (Large Pelts), and Hunting in Skyrim doesn't count it when you pick one of them. Obviously, HiS recgnizes only standard vanilla pelts.

The solution is add these new types of pelts in Hunting in Skyrim scripts, but I'm not so good with CK.


The second request is about the Portal mod ( this ). It's annoying that in the destroyed house there are always flames and the black cloud that comes out from it also after months of ingame time. Can anyone remove flames form that house?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe those 3 Requests can be done by others too. So I will post them here and see, what you think of it.


Nr.1: For Lord of the Rings Fans like me: Annatar (Sauron) as a playable Char, or Follower (Essential of course)

He should wear a white "Elvish" looking Robe like we see it here:



or in other colors like here:



or here:



He could wear some sort of Sauron Armor like this one here:

Sauron Annatar


or more like this:



For more info you can check out this link:



I thought of some sort of lesser Power to transform into The Dark Lord Sauron with Mace and Armor everytime entering Combat and turning back when done.

Also a cool blinding Spell like fleeing Lowlevel Enemies for...... sec. Turning midlevel Enemies into Allies, as long as they life........And blinding High level Chars for ... sec. Especially if theyr Magic defence and Illusion Resisstance is low.....





Idea Nr.2:


Do you remember that "The Mummy" Movie? Where Big Mirrors bring light into the Treasure Chamber of that Pyramide? Can someone make it possible to do the same for Blackreach?

Like travelling a second time there, find dead scholar, read his note, learn of an old tower burried under tons of snow for centuaries, that was used as an occular to focus the Light and shoot it down into blackreach and light it up like blackreach is on top of the map and not under it? Since I had that one Bug, where I travelled to Blackreach again and ound it Lightflooded before me, like I would just have been travelled out of the Ruin back to Skyrim....... I saw EVERYTHING!!!! And it was awesome..... So now I beg you all, can someone make it possible to light up Blackreach???? I thought of a Tower in the Hills, like the Tower of Mzark with that Big Ball in the Middle and the Focus Chrystals and Panels on top to activate it.



>>>> Speaking of Dewmer Citys: Have you ever wondered yourself how it can be, that Blackreach is much smaller than the Distance between Mzinchaleft and Raldbthar??? Where you will travel some seconds in Blackreach, you need minutes to travel in Skyrim...... Can this be fixed? Maybe, by adding some extra dungeon to those Ruins to make them bigger and the ways between them shorter? So that Blackreach lies excactly in the Mid of them......... I hope someone can help out.....




Finally Nr.3


Now I have something for the upcomming Ayleid Faction for Skyrim. Check out that Picture below and tell me, is it possible to create this Outfit for Skyrim or maybe for Oblivion too?

I found it on deviantArt where I have an account and I think this one is the Best Ayleid Outfit, you can find..... Looks a bit like an egyptian God.....






And that's all for today. Thank you for your patience and I'm sorry for my bad english.

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I've been posting this one repeatedly trying to get it made, but so far no luck. Might as well post it here too.


FF4 style dark knight equipment, here's the link to the thread I made. If you can make this I'll be very grateful.



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  On 11/12/2012 at 10:59 PM, dre5922 said:

I just made a topic related to this, but an experience point system similar to Fallout or NV would be awesome.

Just like this Oblivion mod




That one actually already exists, it's called SkyXP here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20681


It's not completely finished yet though.

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I'd love to be able to recruit more vampires to the clan and train them by hunting with them.. atleast then i can have much fun and not get bored roaming skyrim.


Scripting - Detect dead bodies then drain what little blood is left of it,




they can use seduction and then just feed until the person dies.

Edited by jhncanson
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