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Armor that needs texture(s) (Multiple choices would be cool) and the guy will credit you. I'd love you forever if you'd help him out, though I think he needs to make his models downloadable... Probably have to pm him. Please take a look!




Possible texture?: xXXx

Hope I'm not considered nagging, more like updating ^.^;

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Can you make a mod that makes it possible to enchant arrows like maybe 30 per enchant so you don't have to go through enchanting each individual arrow and using all of your ingredients, also if it is possible to make enchanted arrows could you do it for crossbow bolts too. This would be greatly appreciated by anyone with half a brain. Cheers.


why would you want to enchant arrows, the bow (in effect) enchants every arrow it fires, if you enchant the bow the power is transferred to the arrow then to the target if it hits


Because if i wished to use multiple enchantments I would have to carry round multiple bows which takes up a large amount of space in my inventory. If i were to carry round multiple types of ammunition then it would save room in my inventory for other valuable things i find on my travels.


a little game engine knowledge for you. an item can only have one enchantment at a time so if you enchanted the bow and the arrows also, the bows enchantment would overwrite the arrows enchantment, (thats what the script tells it to do) so you can either enchant the bow or the arrows, and for you to enchant arrows, il need a scripters help to re script it to allow the arrows to be split into different quivers. even easyer though. tell me what enchanment you want on the arrows and il arrange for a shop to sell the arrows to you so then it will re spawn every few days


I was thinking of maybe an expensive type of arrow have a relatively fair chance to send the victim to oblivion like the spell, I wanted this on an arrow because i am not skilled for magic but instead for archery. But other than that type I just wanted arrows to have some of the same abilities as some of the spells to make it so even though I am an archer I dont miss out on the mage aspect without skilling my character for being a mage and (in my opinion) wasting skill points.


ok so you tell me what spell you want and i can make your arrows

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This is not a simple request but Im sure most people would love this - animation for spears.


We have some spear mods but they all use two handed axe animations which just doesn't look right.


There is one on the Steam Workshop with an Animation, it's called Skyrim Spears.

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I was waiting for something like this to come for such a long time. Very high respect for this!!!!!


What I have been missing in this game was some kind of becoming ethereal AND intangible. The Ethereal shout

really was disappointing at this point. Even by looking through 18092370123 of mods, I couldn't find anything that could

make you intangible. So if thought about it being something like the ethereal visual effect and the "toggle clipping, tcl" script



Is something like this possible?


I would really like to hear your opinion on this ;)

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Got a new idea! xD


What about following, and I know it might crash the Leveled items List a bit but



Can you make a Mod, that let Orcs wear Orcish Things, Dark Elves wear Ebony Things, Highelfs and Woodelves wear Elvish Things, Human wear Steel and Iron, Stormcloaks and Imperial Outfits with matching weapons?


Especially Elves do not longer wear Glass Armour, even if it is made out of Moonstone.


So that Iron and Steel truly hurt Elves extremly, every Item that has Iron and Steel on or in it, but not Skyforge Steel for wearing it, after becomming part of the Companions.


Let's take the first Elve you encounter in Skyrim, Faendal, who has a Hunting Bow and an Iron Dagger.

The new one should now wear an Elven Dagger and Elven Arrows of course, insteed of that painfull Iron.


For the mightiest Elves, they CAN wear the Glass Armour, or the Gilded Elven Armour, they should have some more unique Troops too, like Thalmor Archers who wear the Light Elven Set with Bow, Arrows and Dagger. Normal Troops, wearing Standard Elven Armor with Shield, Sword and / or Mace. The Wizzards still wear the Robes and have now Elven Daggers insteed of Steel or Iron ones.


Dwemer Stuff can be found in the Ruins and on some Mashines, also Calcelmo could sell some. We all know, where the Deadric Items belongs to. :) And Falmer should only wear Falmer Stuff and no Steel Arrows, like I've seen for a Day ago as I travelled through one of their Lairs.

For the Kahjiit and Argonians, I have no plan what theyr Standard Armour should be also I've no idea who will get Dragon Armour. I leave that to your imagination. ;)

Last but not least I think that the Draugr should not longer wear Ebony Items, Thats some sort of wierd for me, meeting a Draug in a long seeled Crypt with a freshly smithed Ebony Weapon in his dead hand and attacking me with it. And having a BAD Enchantment on it. It's also not nice getting fusrodahed by them, falling a few meters away and getting pierced by Ebony Arrows while can't moving. Bad, really bad, because I've benn going through this s*** one time and told myself, never again. ( Must also say that I only had the Thalmor Robe equipped. :D )


So, that is all for now, hope to read something new from you and all others here. Until then, have a nice Time and Lok Thu'um. ;)


This mod has been made and can be found here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23538

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Hi. I created a mage character and got the Disintegrate perk from the destruction tree. I was really dissapointed. I tried to use the CK to edit the perk but I was like http://tinyurl.com/6sg5t4u lol.

Anyway, this is my Mod suggestion. Edit the disintegrate perk so instead of always disintegrate when health is low, have like a 10-20% chance of doing so, and even less (5-10%) for bigger foes like dragons, and maybe add bigger piles of ashes. Also, making the dead disintegrated corpses drop all the armor or items they had, because is really lame to inspect a tiny pile of ashes to get some dragon bones or a complete set of armor from some bandit... Maybe, if its not so complicated, create the ashes, drop all armor/weapon items and drop some kind of satchel next to the pile of ashes with all the misc/ingredients/potions/books the NPC had on.

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Hi. I created a mage character and got the Disintegrate perk from the destruction tree. I was really dissapointed. I tried to use the CK to edit the perk but I was like http://tinyurl.com/6sg5t4u lol.

Anyway, this is my Mod suggestion. Edit the disintegrate perk so instead of always disintegrate when health is low, have like a 10-20% chance of doing so, and even less (5-10%) for bigger foes like dragons, and maybe add bigger piles of ashes. Also, making the dead disintegrated corpses drop all the armor or items they had, because is really lame to inspect a tiny pile of ashes to get some dragon bones or a complete set of armor from some bandit... Maybe, if its not so complicated, create the ashes, drop all armor/weapon items and drop some kind of satchel next to the pile of ashes with all the misc/ingredients/potions/books the NPC had on.


i can edit the spell to make the disintegrations work better but the armour in the ash, you will have to deal with

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