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Apropos Marrying:


There are only two Male Elves, that can be married. I mean Athis from the Companions and that one Darkelf who owns a Shop in Windhelm.


I know, this sounds a bit wierd, but can you make Runil the old Elf in Falkreath, Nelacar (finishing "The Black Star" Quest on his Site), that one outside from Windhelm, who sells you a Horse, that one in Ivarstead who's always happy, that one outside from Rifton who works on a Farm and searches for his Bow, and that one Woodelf on the Market in Whiterun. Maybe some of the Darkelves in Windhelm too?

I leave it to you, which ones you will make marrieable. ;)

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I already made a thread about this, so the main reason I am posting this here is because I wish to know whether this is even possible. If you wish you can do it, but its NOT a full on request V:


Race name: Deadface/Deathface. Plural - Deadfaces/Deathfaces


Race type: Draugr




They look like all Draugr, some looking like Deathlord's or Wights. There are a few differences which set them apart.

1. Their eyes glow a bright color(chosen when creating character) during nighttime, while during daytime their eyes are literally pools of black and nothing can be seen, making it seem as if they HAVE no eyes, as if the area where eyes go leads to an endless abyss.

2. Their hands and feet and also their mouths constantly release low quantities of freezing gas(Looks like a smoky blue glow), not powerful enough to freeze anyone if they shake anyone's hand, but enough to make them want to get to a fire as soon as possible.


Race details:


It is unknown how exactly they come to be. The process cannot be recognized, all the people and the race themselves know is that some Draugr when they come to life come with a sentient consciousness, and can think, speak and do all activities as other races. While obviously no one likes their appearance, they are recognized to be powerful warriors proficient in all areas(though they also suffer slightly in each). They are especially on friendly terms with all magicians, regardless of race, as magicians are fascinated with this race and its origins and abilities.

Vampires loath Deadfaces, considering their very existence an insult to their undead vampire race.


Racial ability:


2 ideas here.

1. Ancestor's Instinct -

Either due to being an ancestor itself, or due to having strong connections to one, they are able to learn shouts very easily. Basically, whenever they learn a word of power, they are able to immediately locate another in the same shout(the location is added to map). For example, learning Fus immediately gives them the location of Roh.


2. Living Death -


Being practically superior to all undead(barring Vampires), they can instantly kill any non vampire undead race in their vicinity(several that is), barring powerful foes such as Deathlords, though these are at least heavily or partially damaged and staggered.


Proficiencies and weakness:


They are equally proficient in all areas, moreso than any other race, but also learn every ability much slower than other races. They also have an additional weakness with fire magic, which constantly drains their HP when using it.


My thoughts as to how it could be, can be done in a different way. My main suggestion is pretty much having Draugr as a playable race :V


The differences are merely there for cosmetic purposes and to differentiate them from standard hostile Draugr, so you could use ingame models :V

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Can you make a mod that makes it possible to enchant arrows like maybe 30 per enchant so you don't have to go through enchanting each individual arrow and using all of your ingredients, also if it is possible to make enchanted arrows could you do it for crossbow bolts too. This would be greatly appreciated by anyone with half a brain. Cheers.


why would you want to enchant arrows, the bow (in effect) enchants every arrow it fires, if you enchant the bow the power is transferred to the arrow then to the target if it hits


Because if i wished to use multiple enchantments I would have to carry round multiple bows which takes up a large amount of space in my inventory. If i were to carry round multiple types of ammunition then it would save room in my inventory for other valuable things i find on my travels.


a little game engine knowledge for you. an item can only have one enchantment at a time so if you enchanted the bow and the arrows also, the bows enchantment would overwrite the arrows enchantment, (thats what the script tells it to do) so you can either enchant the bow or the arrows, and for you to enchant arrows, il need a scripters help to re script it to allow the arrows to be split into different quivers. even easyer though. tell me what enchanment you want on the arrows and il arrange for a shop to sell the arrows to you so then it will re spawn every few days


I was thinking of maybe an expensive type of arrow have a relatively fair chance to send the victim to oblivion like the spell, I wanted this on an arrow because i am not skilled for magic but instead for archery. But other than that type I just wanted arrows to have some of the same abilities as some of the spells to make it so even though I am an archer I dont miss out on the mage aspect without skilling my character for being a mage and (in my opinion) wasting skill points.


ok so you tell me what spell you want and i can make your arrows


Could you do a Wabbajack arrow, Conjure flame atronach arrow, Fire bolt arrow and a Healing arrow?


il take a look once i have finished my current project


Thanks mate

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The ability to enchant arrows at an enchantment table. NOT CRAFTING MAGIC ARROWS! I do not think this is proper lore. I just want to put balanced spell effects on arrows by using the enchantment table and a soul gem. I just feel a player should be able to treat arrows like any other weapon in the game. Craft --> Upgrade --> Enchant. The enchanting effects should align with the player's enchantment perks and skill level.


We have got the ability to craft arrows and i think i saw a mod to upgrade them too. Why do we not have enchanting of arrows?


I like the ideas of some of the magic arrows, but they all want you to craft them. this seems like a crossover skill cheat to me. a player should have to build the crafting skill and enchanting skill to get powerful arrows. Most of the mod i have seen do not even require any alchemy.


Can someone help out?

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I was hoping for a troll follower mod. doesn't actually have to be a follower, but I was bummed that I can't set my armored troll as essential, which is no good when it comes to master difficulty w/ advanced high gameplay. Just a thought, but all I really want is an essential armored troll. I also just found this forum and love this idea


(edit) went back through some posts and found mention of the race armors mod. Downloaded, endorsed and loved it (also, kudos :)

Edited by korgthil
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Hi there noble modder! Yep, I have a dream...

a dream of a mod, of course.


Your thread is a kind idea and I hope you aren't overwrought already^^

I wanted you to know that i downloaded + endorsed "buyable firewood" because I really needed that one...cough.. and here is your extra large bag of kudos ö<('-'<).


Let's start with the actual content of my request:

My problem with vanilla skyrim is the poor 3rd person casting animations. That cowardly crouching doesn't only look goofy, it also causes clipping issues and an impossible camera ankle. actually you can't hit s*** in 3rd person view especially with dual casting or when in cover.


Once there was a guy who tried to fix this


As you can see, he abandoned his work for some reason and these animations are likely to cause ctd.


You're thinking know "why don't you make your own animations. I busy with the first 5344 requests...". well I tried and failed. I'm bad at animating or I needed some teaching at least. However I'm eager to create a mod of some sort - I just got no idea what. So why don't we make up a deal? I try my best with one of your projects and in return you approach those animations I'm too dumb for?


let me know what you think ^^

Edited by Skibble
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Thats slightly creepy, in a child porn kinda way...

I thought the same thing, if not that, it has some serious eugenicist undertones. All children in Skyrim are beautiful just the way they are and they can be whatever they want to be when they grow up.



I should have known... sigh... i mean, it's just a game :wallbash:

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