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Although you could expect this the moment you decided to 'mod by request' it's ofcourse reasonable to stop with this

'work'. It's certainly not unusual to lose interest after a while. However, it would be nicer to reply to requests and PM's and just tell people

you quit, and close this thread, instead of letting them wait 'till eternity.


Might be time to pick up the glove and start moddin myself then :turned:

Edited by eend123
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id love a mod to allow me to make staffs in the game so i can have stronger ones than vanilla.


You *can* do that! Fire up the CK, make a copy of an existing staff, edit the stats to whatever you want and place it in the world. Done :) This is one of those cases where you really genuinely can do it easily, and don't need to rely on someone else to hit the right note on what you want out of it.

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this is the outfit i whould like to have there are diffrent links for it

the torso and legs are a suit vest look(yes i like fighting in a suit vest(my fav outfit ever)oh yea im a dude btw and play as one so i need this for a guy)

the oufit itself i whould like like 45 starting deffence and can be upgraded during time

also it raises my one handed weapon skill by 35% and 30% sheild skill

must be crafted(mostly everything i need must be crafted and not replace anything(btw i run low graphics cause i got a labtop so if u chould make it look nice but doesnt lagg me Thank you)





for the belt buckle i was hoping for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers DragonZord Power coin




(please if you can remove teh little spikey edges around the coin and if you cant thats ok too)


the gloves i whould like 45% pickpocketing and 25% to destrucitve magic


(stays the same color)


now for the boots(please change the colors to the gloves colors please)

i whould like these to have 50% sneak(yea i suck in that area since i most fight)



now this is for a awsome idea for a sheild i saw it is origanly a picture of a armguards

instead of the teal color on it i was hopeing for a white that is blinding but perfect for it with a black outline of the drgonzord power coin on the smaller teal are

i whould like this it to reach from elbow to hand this must have a starting defence of 45 and can be upgraded

unlike the sheilds in the game i want it to stay on the arm not infront of it like other armgaurds do but this i want as my sheild(like how the picture has it look)






all this i wante to be able to craft (i like crafting) and easy to start making(meaning right after the beggining i can easy start makeing it) but not makeing it to easy to make or really difficult(meaning stuff like quicksilver ingots and etc)


all this is for guys only please if you want to make a girls verson your call but i like playing as a guy since that is what i am


and thank you to anyone who makes these for me (and makes them well XP)

ps the dragonzord coin belt buckle must be gold but not super shiny thank you

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Could you make a companion mod for me?


... I simply adore Mercer Frey, and in the quest line I would have killed Karliah right off the bat and been on Mercer's side. So. I really want a companion mod, that after the quest line, you get a letter requesting a meet up from someone and you find out it's Mercer and you can go and either choose to kill him or work with him. Probably with marriage later on.


If you can do that, that would be amazing. But, since you really wouldn't be able to get his voice actor to do lines for him, his voice could either be preset with another voice or voiceless.

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id love a mod to allow me to make staffs in the game so i can have stronger ones than vanilla.


You *can* do that! Fire up the CK, make a copy of an existing staff, edit the stats to whatever you want and place it in the world. Done :) This is one of those cases where you really genuinely can do it easily, and don't need to rely on someone else to hit the right note on what you want out of it.


srry more so what i meant was that they scale with my skill in that branch of magic

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Can you create a Mod, that will spawn some Thalmor EVERYWHERE where u are? Just random, but could be nice, to fight some more of them, especially if you own an Amulet of Talos, so that they will come as fast as the Nazguls for their Masters Ring. :D


Is it possible to although create some Former Thalmor Soldiers and Justicars, who fight against Elenwen and the Thalmor?


Because there is a Book, I don't know the correct Titel of it for english, only German where it is pronounced as "Die Drohende Gefahr" or something like that. It is a Book which has 4 Parts, was written by an Altmer who fleet to Cyrodiil and descripes the Story how the Thalmor had come back to power as the Deadra came through the Gates on Summerset Isles and destroyed everything there.


I wrote a Request some Pages before where I also wrote about this Story. Bethesda gave us those Books, why not create some Mods which bases of this Story?


There was a pretty early Request by mine, which also was about ..... let's say " Elves in Danger" what is about "good" Elves, who have to fight for their lifes, because somehow the Thalmor managed to bring the Jarl of Skyrim against them, now THAT could be a Job for a Dovahkiin who has a Heart for Elves. Maybe you would check it out here:













But wait, that's not all for now. :D One last thing:

I got an idea for a new look for a nice Snow Prince Armor!


Why not making a snowwhite Snowelf Armour with a red Ruby on the Chest and some Blue Saphires on the Boots and Gauntlet and complete the Set with a blue cape and a white Falmer Crown with its Red Ruby?


Or make it only with Saphires, what would look much better, or create two Sets one with Rubys and one with Saphires.


No shield, maybe a retextured Ebony Blade or Elven Blade to match the Set, or use a Elven Weapon from that one Elven Armoury Mod.



So, and that is all for it, again. :D

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*sings somberly* All I ever wanted for Christmas....was a simple trenchcoat....for those chilly nights in the Rift....




*sighs hopelessly* Can't even seem to find a simple one that's not all skimpy and breast-spilling. :confused: Us poor women just want something that doesn't show off how cold it is! lol



Black Trench coat (Try to follow picture as much as possible? If it ticks you that badly, Skyrim-nize it. :psyduck: )

Simple, black pants (no holes, no exaggeration on the butt curves, and no skirts or dresses.)

Undershirt can be whatever color you wish, as long as white is one of the possible combinations

Doesn't need to have boots with it. Hey look, one less thing you need to do! :D



Can someone make this? Please? *puppy eyes* Use whatever body mod you want! (er....so long as it doesn't surpass D cup, of course.)

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