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Trouble with ID codes...


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Hey guys and girls:)


I tried to push the console button ya, then when i click on an item it would show up the ID code... that much i agree upon...

First it didnt work for a mod item and i thought ooh something is prob different with a mod item, then i realized that a "conducter" didnt had the same ID code when i clicked it, compared to the one on the fallout.wikia, it also turned out that the codes i get by console+click is incorrect.... the wiki is obviously not... anyone know what im doing wrong? how do i retrieve mod item IDs... please help:)

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u can look in fnvedit to get the correct id code


as example




i want get this advanced recon armor ingame. this mod are the 20 mod loaded in order, so the get item code begins with the number 20, fnvedit shows u the correct number for the get item code.


so the command should be "player.additem 20000ADD 1" to get the correct item. is very individual and depends on the loadorder.

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