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[Question] Function such as OnTalk()?


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Got a question. I'll give some background first.


What I am trying to accomplish, is that when the player activates another actor (Ya know, E to talk), the NPC that the player spoke to will have the following factions added :


PotentialFollowerFaction - 5c84d - Rank = 1

PotentialMarriageFaction - 5a1a4 - Rank = 1


Is there an event which can be called when an actor is activated? I'd rather not go through gajillions of NPCs and add scripts to every single one of them due to time, conflicts and the eventual crash the CK does when you have opened way too many windows in one session.


Thanks in advance.


Edit : Found this page in the CK wiki :




Doesn't detail on how to use it, but it would function close enough to how I want the script to work, that this event would be appropriate to use. Anybody know the syntax?

Edited by FiftyTifty
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Depends on how exactly you are setting this NPC up.


First question: why not just add these faction the the NPC from the start. What is the difference if you add them from the start or if you add them the first time you talk to someone?


Second Question: If you have already met this NPC and have done some quest for them and only then want them to become marry-able and a potential follower, why not just set these factions in the last quest stage via papyrus?

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Ah, thanks gasti. Much obliged.


@Hangman, I want this to happen for every NPC the player can talk to, and that will takeforever. And this method won't overwrite any of the NPC's, so conflicts are kept almost nill.


Edit : Gasti, I assume you thought I was just adding this to one particular NPC, as you'd have to attach the script to the NPC. What I'm trying to do, is have this script run on EVERY single character (Dunmer, Bosmer, etc.) the player is able to talk to. I don't think that OnActivate thing will work in the way I would like it to, as I want it to activate when the player talks to any NPC, which would involve (With that event function thing) me attaching it to every NPC. Something I'd like to avoid.

Edited by FiftyTifty
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