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How to know what certain wall textures etc are labelled ?


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Hi all,


So basically I was wondering if there is a way to know what textures are called in the game, I'm trying to overwrite certain textures but i'm not sure what they would be labelled. I prefer Skyrim Realistic Overhaul SE's walls in Riverwood but I don't know what texture name they are to delete them from other mods that overwrite that space ? I have tried pressing ~ then clicking on the wall but that just gives me the ID not the name of the texture. I also can't place the SRO below them as other textures I like get overwritten.


I also have tried look for the obvious like Stone walls etc but haven't been able to find anything like that in the mod files.


Im using MOD organizer 2 just incase ppl need to know that.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Open Skyrim in the Creation Kit and either use the id to search for the mesh, or load an area where you know the piece is and edit it.

It will list the file path to the mesh, which you can then open in Nifskope to find the actual texture path.


You will need to extract the skyrim bsa to access vanilla assets.

Modded meshes like SMIM will obviously be different, so extract those bsa's also, if necessary.

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Open Skyrim in the Creation Kit and either use the id to search for the mesh, or load an area where you know the piece is and edit it.

It will list the file path to the mesh, which you can then open in Nifskope to find the actual texture path.


You will need to extract the skyrim bsa to access vanilla assets.

Modded meshes like SMIM will obviously be different, so extract those bsa's also, if necessary.

Thanks so much for the reply, really appreciate it :smile:

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