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College of winterhold - First Lessons bug


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Hello, so I've been having this lil' problem with the college lately, no matter when I go there's no NPC enfront of the bridge or even on the bridge to the college of winterhold, I've tried countless of ways, console commands and much more to fix this, can anyone shed some light on this lil' problem of mine? I'm sure it's eitther a basic bug or either a mod, I've got quite the amount of mods but i don't know which one is responsible, and dissabeling/enaballing it would take ages, perhaps someone who had the same problem could help me out
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List your mods, maybe there's an obvious conflict we can point out...


MOAR info! :D

First of I completly don't know the way mods are put together so i donno what could go wrong, I'm glad that i'm smart enough to manage to install them XD but I do believe one of these might cause something:



Arise chapter 1 - the black sacrament

Castle strunmah

Deus Mons

Deadly dragons

Expanded towns and villages

LIAT Lively inns and taverns

Osare AnimObjects Pose

Pinup poser

Pretty pose idles

unoficial skyrim patch


I beleive maybe one of these might conflict with something due to their nature of adding something in the scenery,scripts etc on grander scales than weapons or something, the rest of the mods i collected are all armor/weapon mods and magic mods like midas' magic spells of skyrim

Edited by Jacky1565
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You didn't say what console commands you tried, so I'll suggest this:


prid 1c1a5

moveto player


Execute these two commands while you're standing just before the spot where Faralda is supposed to be and she should appear for you. You might have to type "moveto player" twice, exiting and re-entering console mode before the second time. If she then doesn't respond by demanding that you prove yourself before enering the college, then type:





This should reset her AI, assuming there's something glitching it that prevented her from being there in the first place. If this doesn't work, then I haven't a clue what might be wrong. Regarding your mods, I've only used two of the ones you listed -- the USP and Deadly Dragons. These do not cause that issue, at least for me.

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You didn't say what console commands you tried, so I'll suggest this:


prid 1c1a5

moveto player


Execute these two commands while you're standing just before the spot where Faralda is supposed to be and she should appear for you. You might have to type "moveto player" twice, exiting and re-entering console mode before the second time. If she then doesn't respond by demanding that you prove yourself before enering the college, then type:





This should reset her AI, assuming there's something glitching it that prevented her from being there in the first place. If this doesn't work, then I haven't a clue what might be wrong. Regarding your mods, I've only used two of the ones you listed -- the USP and Deadly Dragons. These do not cause that issue, at least for me.

Tried it all, didn't work all she keeps doing is selling me spell books and can't even train me in destruction, she keeps saying "there's nothing more I can teach you" even a low level (tried it just now on fresh game save)

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