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Racemenu - game just don't start


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I have not installed the XPMSE Mod until now.


From Steam it don't start either. :sad: I can see the Launcher here, chance something, but than the game don't start when I use "Play". And in Steam everything works fine. :)



Here, there are a lot of problems with SKSE and Racemenu: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6975091-racemenu-not-recognizing-skse64-version/page-4

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As I understand it, you are not getting far enough to get any error messages.


Check Data/SKSE/Plugins. You should have skee64.dll and skee64.171. Those are from Racemenu.


I am guessing you are in Germany. I don't know of any Windows 10 German differences.


I have just about run out of ideas...


Maybe try downloading a clean copy of Racemenu.

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- I don't have this files in the folder .... :geek:


- My friend Ace wrote me: There can be problems with the SKSE Launcher



So I have now two points to check .... I will update here what happen



EDIT: GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



:wub: Thanks to rmm200 and my friend Acerbicon! :wub:




My personal Solution:


- I have installed Racemnu with Vortex, activate it. You don't have to disable it. You can just close Vortex.


- Than: Download manually the Mod "Racemenu Special Edition" v0-3-4: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19080?tab=files


- Open the ziped Racemenu folder:


- Put the three files into your Data folder (directly) and the two seek files into the SKSE/Plugins folder !!!! (Thats important)


- Re-Open Vortex


- Open game with the SKSE Launcher


- Go ingame :-) open the console, tip: showracemu



:-) Worked for me :-)

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Great! I am glad it works.

But that plunks it straight back into a failure in Vortex. It should have installed those files correctly. On my system it did. Something to keep an eye on...

I would appreciate it if you would mention on those other forums to check their SKSE plugins. Might help someone.

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