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total noob question


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Hi, just started modding...like 30 minutes ago......


anywho I wanted to change a daedric chain belt and chain leg belt found in the Remodeled Armor mod for cbbev3m by Mako from heavy to light. I followed the following instructions:


1. Install & Run the CK

2. In the upper-left corner, click "file", then select "data" from the dropdown

3. Double-click "skyrim.esm" ( you will now see an x it the box next to it), then do the same for the mod you wish to edit. Hit the button "set as active file" then ok. The CK will take a few minutes to load, when the error messages pop up just hit "yes to all"

4. In the "object window", you will see a list of all the different types of things in the game, go to "items" and expand the item options

5. in the tree under items, click on "armor". in the box to the right you will now see a list of every armor in the game. Find the one you want (note; everything is listed alphabetically by editor id, which is probably not the same as the in-game name, but anything added by the mod will have an * next to it)

6. double-click on the armor you want and a rather intimidating-looking window will pop up, but don't worry, ours is a simple edit. Find the box that says "heavy", hit the little dropdown arrow next to it, and select "light". Now hit ok at the bottom of the window.

7. now back to the "file"button, but this time select "save"

8. close the CK, your changes will now appear in-game



It worked kinda. The armor is now listed as "light" but my "all light armor perk" wont recognize it and I lose the bonus if they are worn.

Anyone know why and how I fix that?

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First off, don't bump. It's against the forum rules.


Second, you need to go back into the CK and change the keyword for the armor as well. Go back to To the window where you changed it from Heavy to light, on the right you can see an area that lists it's keywords. You should see a keyword that says ArmorHeavy. Delete that one and add the Keyword, you guessed it, ArmorLight.

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