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Power armor Voice scripts ?

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Is there a downloadable script that you can find for voicing power armor or is it whatever the you want to make based on a list of events?

I've been looking for this myself as well (if I'm assuming what you're asking is how to use the helmet's voice changer). In CK there is a listing for AudioEffectChainPowerArnorHelmet, and PowerArnorHelmetEffect_DO. I've been trying to get it to work with varies things with no luck as of yet.


The effect is a DFOB type and the audio effect is an AECH type


So far I can't find out how it links to a piece of armor or an item.


Regardless, start looking there. Anything I find out, I'll post.


Hope this helps

Edited by SirMcSourTowel
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I was mainly referring to the "words" the Power Armor voice uses to describe events. but I will need to know that as well, so please keep my posted.


Not sure if I follow what you mean by the "Power Armor voice," then. Do you mean an NPC's dialogue describing some event? That would just be separate dialogue lines with the Power Armor's audio effect over top of it.


Can you give me an example of what you mean?

Edited by SirMcSourTowel
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I always thought that the power armor talked to you. I never really used power armor but doesn't it announced damage and when you got in it ..it welcomes you. Or it will announce and comment on various events? Or is that a mod?
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I always thought that the power armor talked to you. I never really used power armor but doesn't it announced damage and when you got in it ..it welcomes you. Or it will announce and comment on various events? Or is that a mod?

What? No. You mean like if the power armor had an AI or a Jarvis kinda thing? That's gotta be a mod you've seen somewhere. (Sounds interesting though). The armor just beeps at you.


But yeah, its either the player or an NPC talking int he power armor with the helmet's voice effect over it.

Edited by SirMcSourTowel
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