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how many days have you been playing for???


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yo i had a glitch too...i had two rings each with 24 fortify strength and my carry weight went down...i found out y.....wen your attributes get drained you can go to an altar or shrine to put them back up BUT you must take off any items like that..restore yourself then put them back on again...so try that...even if your stats say they are normal just restore attributes without the items on then put the items on afterwards...should work did for me
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So...Does that Mean that I hold the highest days possible? no way...Ill bet saldrex has at least twice mine, he just hasnt posted....And yeah, MCstreet, I learned that too. I hate when that happens...Im gonna get as many days as possible rested, come back as an 800+ day character, still have my same level, or a little higher...
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Well, I and I believe Wolron have uncovered the map! For me doing all quests and with a fair amount of hanging about to sell to the creeper it took me over 900 days. However it wasn't a proper game as such as I was deliberately ambling along. I'd rather it didn't count. My own view is that with a bit of planning you can do everything in the game including expansions and official plug-ins in less than 400 days but you could never do it as a newby.
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wow!!!900 days thats a very long time and of cousre doubles the most days record on this thread!!

i can see how it is possible to do in a lot less days but i personally have a problem..(as others and you may do aswell)and that is wen i get in to a character i dont really wana quit the game i just wana keep goin and goin to do everything possible....could be wrong maybe its just me....however nice one on that and thanx for the reply

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Lev 37 Dark Elf Spellsword, Approx 95 Days, not doin too bad...


I did have a big period where I just cashed in nearly all my loot using Caldera as a bass ;) getting loads of training via caldera and other places via Mage Guild transport. Thats partly why I levelled up so fast... still have many quests to do as I take the time to follow up every little lead I get.


Heh I recently started again after I thought I messed the game up, on the 2nd day I had 1400 gold and was a Level 2 rogue with a load of quests done heh but then I found out I hadn't messed my game up...


Oh the joys of starting another character and watching him evolve. I still haven't played the game as a woman... I might do... and errm no that doesn't reflect anything about me ;) heh



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