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Wheel of Time


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First off,I would like to say that I love the WoT series. So, I don't think R.J answered one of my questions. Is he going to write the book that comes after Crossroads Of Twillight,besides the two Prequels he plans to write? mabe someone got that in what he said,or have heard it elsewhere.
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I couldn't hear the link due to a codec error. Jordan had said in an interview, from sometime last year, that there were two more books after COT to complete the story. I don't recall if he talked about the prequels or not. The inference as people understood it though, was that there would be a total of 12 books in the main series, and anything else was just gravy. I haven't actually read COT yet, so I don't know if it ties up any of the story lines. I've heard it really didn't move the story forward much though. And since the interview I saw is probably a year old now, Jordan may have changed his plans anyway.
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He says there will be 2 more prequals, makeing 3.

And he wants to try ti get teh rest into 2 books but might have to make 3 more.





























Nothing happens in COT until like that last 200 pages....

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There is so much characteres and places to re-introudce,that I wasent suprised when the first 200- pages contained nothing of real importance. And as far as COT is conserned
















No,in fact,It dosen't tie up anything,exepct mabe the whole kidnapping the Seachan(sp?)Empress's daugther thing.

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